DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceA practitioner asks: “Do you have any objection to my contacting people from the disclosure community about your work?” Is this something that would be dangerous for her or me, and would a possible benefit to others outweigh these risks?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
We like your phrasing of this question, because in actual practice such an outreach would likely have elements of both outcomes, depending on the particular individual and how the interaction was arranged to happen and what was conveyed. What we see is that the hard-core disclosure devotees who are in the enemy camp because they have been turned into a minion of the darkness will, in most cases, take no interest in such suggestions because they have been programmed to disregard any kind of counter information and stay devoted, rigidly and totally, to the disclosure narrative. It is the higher-level operatives and the extraterrestrial beings within the Alliance who will be more on the watch for troublemakers and those who are not being sufficiently subjugated and still retain an ability to think independently, who will take an interest in you as a potential adversary, and then come with an intention to scrutinize you carefully and potentially mount a backlash. Those involved in the Disclosure Movement on occasion, who are simply interested in the issues of the extraterrestrial phenomena and are still open-minded enough to be true seekers might well be won over in seeing the work done at GetWisdom and the counter-narrative it provides. So in that way, you would be doing a great service to potentially help those people undecided, to avoid being sucked into the quicksand. Keep in mind that the vast majority of information on the narrative is all serving the Disclosure Movement. So almost everyone who comes to GetWisdom, at least with any interest in the extraterrestrial phenomena and issues, will have been exposed to Disclosure Movement ideas and the many advocates, but still are not being mind controlled to such an extent they are closed to any counterarguments. You are winning many of these over once they GetWisdom and check you out more carefully, and find you are what they have been seeking all along. You have heard that said more than once. So we would suggest some measure of moderation and perhaps suggesting information that might be a lure in the water for such individuals without being confrontational or too negative about the Disclosure Movement per se. After all, you do not wish to alarm the true believer who will then assume you are an enemy and might take that quite seriously and want to seek others who agree with their position to perhaps go after you. So we are simply cautioning you in wanting to give you a full, evenhanded, overview of the issues we see, with the bottom line message that we think this approach has merit but only needs to be done in moderation with some careful forethought about the specific contexts being sought, and the nature of the message to be used being one that is meant to be informative and helpful to the other party by way of giving them something interesting to consider, more so than a correction or criticism.