DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “Have you ever asked Creator why an invisibility cloak does not seem to protect targeted individuals from further attacks? Nor does netting energetic attackers.” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The problem here is what you are trying to protect is a physical individual from other physical beings, given the reality of their existence and their ability to use the energies of the physical plane to attack another physical being. The normal use of the invisibility cloak is, in the majority of instances, to protect intuitive outreach and then interchange of energies that are subtle and not things directly involving the physical makeup. In terms of detectability, the strategy of applying an invisibility cloak can also be interpreted and used by the divine realm to reduce outside scrutiny of an individual by any number of maneuvers, to see they are dropped from lists comprising persons of interest, or perhaps to be distracted by other duties, or perhaps by someone doing scouting to be distracted and overlook the individual you are wanting to be given special protection. So this is a generic designation using a more symbolic means than a literal description as in the Harry Potter stories utilizing wizardry to render someone invisible. In the case of physical beings, like a targeted individual already known to exist by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, the divine realm cannot erase that knowledge. It is easier to prevent discovery than to undo a long-standing interaction and a deep karmic entanglement energetically between the parties involved having an interest in the targeted individual and a long history of interfering with their life. After all, they know that person like the back of their hand. They know where they are, where they can be found, what will be particularly disturbing to them, what their foibles and vulnerabilities of greatest access might be, so even if they could be shielded this way, it would arouse great suspicion and likely trigger a witch hunt of sorts to find the reason why, and this could backfire. So there are many constraints on what is practical in a real-world sense. It is no different with any tool or weapon, if misapplied one can be injured and sometimes killed. So things are rarely simple, but that does not take away from the many instances where this is a fine tool and approach indeed, and benefits many on a routine basis. It is most effective for protection from outside consciousness, whether dark spirits or extraterrestrial psychics, but here again there are potential limits when the situation is based on a relationship of quite long-standing and many complications, should the divine realm simply swoop in and call a halt to any interaction. So these are tools that must be used carefully and selectively when they have merit in a particular circumstance, and this will always be considered on a case-by-case basis.