DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialA practitioner asks: “If we ascend and heal from a higher place, will we have our hands tied in what we can do [to work on the problem of evil in the Milky Way Galaxy], similar to how the Pleiadians are confined with the rules of engagement?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
That is not the case. We have said before that your journey, should you be successful in countering the huge force of evil arrayed against you, enough to keep them at arm's length, that will be proof enough of your mettle to keep going and be a part of a grand ascension to a higher plane of existence, leaving all the extraterrestrials behind within the physical realm. Their need for healing will continue, and your role as healers will be available to you still from those higher planes of existence, and we expect you will want to continue with the healing just in the same way as you volunteered for the healing mission, and that is why you are here now living in harm's way under the worst of possible circumstances. There will only be benefits for you to continue the work, and that will in fact be feasible because you are humans with the charter to heal all those out of alignment. The Reptilians in the Pleiadian future extension of the current timeline have lost that designation and privilege to weigh in because their status currently, in being in a future extension as members of a race given over wholly to human destruction, means they have no direct say in the solution and can only have a modest role in bringing warnings and hints at some things that can be reassuring for humans in the fray, so to speak.