DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner writes about a friend who he learned had been hospitalized after failing a cardiac stress test and was scheduled to have an angiogram: “I immediately performed the Lightworker Healing Protocol for my friend when I heard of this development, and requested that others in the LHP forum join me, which they did. So that was the context when his doctor performed the angiogram a few days after the stress test. To my surprise – and my friend’s as well – there were no blockages at all, and the diagnosis was simply “electrical imbalance”. So the question for Creator is: Was this a miracle and were blockages or other heart disease removed from my friend as a result of the LHP work?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We know you are fully prepared to get a “no” answer here in agreeing with the doctor making an assumption that this is a physiologic perturbation and not coronary artery disease leading to the poor stress test performance, but we can assure you this was a miracle of healing brought about by the concerted efforts of those taking part, and using the Lightworker Healing Protocol as the tool to bring everyone together. To work in unison and pool their intentions with the many other beings of light also invited to participate, and to do the deep repair and healing that is the essence of the reach and power of the Protocol, to work across time domains in taking care of the very deep karmic underpinnings that become manifested as a physical malady. This gentleman is very blessed that he could receive such a fine outcome with a straightforward series of healing requests on his behalf. As you know, it is often the case that healing is slow in coming and then becomes quite uncertain and generates a confusing and frustrating situation for all involved. It is wonderful when things can happen quickly. Even though this was unverified, it is the best possible outcome one could have, so is an undeniable win no matter how skeptical one might be. But we can tell you there was coronary artery disease present and the angiogram would have been markedly abnormal had the healing work not been done. So we congratulate all involved for their loving contribution to benefit this individual as a triumph for the light.