DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationA practitioner writes: “After doing many sessions on a woman I know and her son, she decided to buy the Lightworker Healing Protocol course. The first session we did together, and in the end she was beaming with love and light. She then did two more sessions on her own and told me how impressed she was with the depth, profoundness and precision of the LHP. However, a week later after she came back from a ceremony, she told me that she is now sure the LHP is done with god matrix. She is a student of a man who is an abductee and he makes his students do closure exercises, among them closures with god matrix. She now even denies all the amazing benefits she and especially her son obtained from my sessions as if it never happened.” Can you tell us the underlying causes that led her to come to such a radical change of heart and mind?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Unfortunately, she has been the victim of a corruption that is controlling this individual’s work, how he goes about things, and the ideas he promotes. Those who follow his recommendations and teachings are drawn into the influence of the interlopers working through him to commandeer all he brings forth to be similarly subjugated. This is the grand scheme under way across the entirety of the spiritual community. Those who are seekers of higher truth are feared and attempts are made continually to identify such individuals and rein them in, whatever that might require. So people going to someone who is serving as a Pied Piper, so to speak, by offering high-level experiences and connections through their special gifts and insights will be appealing and highly rewarding for someone seeking such knowledge, at least the satisfaction they seem to be connecting with someone lofty, with greater knowledge, who can point them in the right direction. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case here, that this individual will get them working more closely with interlopers and they will be manipulated avidly as a consequence. That is what is underway here. This person has been manipulated before. That is what she was noticing as a result of the LHP work, that things were lifting, things were opening up again after a period of subjugation. But unfortunately, the gains were undone, as she reflects in her demeanor and her current attitude. She has come back under the thumb of the interlopers by comporting with this would-be guru and is paying the price now, in a worsening of things yet again. We cannot keep people from making choices, even ones that hurt themselves. This is free will after all, and must be allowed under our own rules, come what may. It is most unfortunate, but there are many who are sidelined, as you know, and who will suffer and whose lives may even be shortened, and we are powerless to help because they have chosen their destiny and lined up with the darkness and not the light. All you can do is work indirectly to help. There is always the possibility it can work to undo the new damage and allow a reopening of a dialogue, but unfortunately, there are no guarantees. This is not always in the cards when people are manipulated too heavily and believe in the manipulated world they are now part of. It is their belief created within them by their own choices that becomes a barrier to change and that might well seal her fate.