DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Genetic ManipulationsA practitioner writes: “I was a friendly acquaintance of a now-deceased human-extraterrestrial hybrid who was implanted by her father via a secret governmental project into her mother’s womb; she was born outside of the amniotic sac, while having a sister, totally different from her, born inside of it. She had ET contacts throughout her life, and lots of medical anomalies and problems doctors could not explain, but she only found out the truth of her origins when her father finally told her in her 30’s. She told me about how once she was taken aboard a Reptilian ship and was being bullied into working for them, but that she sent them beams of unconditional love and compassion, and they did not end up harming her, and she was let go. I’m not sure how trustworthy a source she is, given how corrupted everything associated with the entire enterprise is, but she always struck me as a very loving person with good intentions.” Is this story true, and if so, why and how did love and compassion help her?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This story is true, and it is true in all particulars. This is because this hybrid individual was more human than alien. This was the expression of a human soul coming in willingly to be present within a hybrid makeup. This was done for spiritual purposes and was a divine mission to assist humanity through learning and to be a human influence on the hybrid program itself. She was brought in to heal them—all who she encountered. This is an example of divinity on the march, that a divine human will not only jump into the fray but jump directly into the enemy camp, so to speak, to carry out a divine mission and risk imperiling the soul and incurring severe karmic wounding in the bargain. This she took on willingly and was a force for good, and this is reflected in the story she told her friend. She was able to summon love because of her divine link and this, in fact, is what saved her in allowing her to break away from being a servant of the Reptilians which is the normal functional role of the hybrids. All are considered expendable and not much above the alien Greys themselves because humans are held in disdain by the Reptilians in particular and also the Arcturians. So this loving demonstration is the tip-off here, that she was not a soulless hybrid, but one with humanity onboard.