DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceA viewer asks: “Maybe you know the answer to this question, I don’t know. So, I have heard from some channeling you’ve done, that Creator or God will not support any requests to harm others. Everything we ask should be for a lofty purpose, otherwise it doesn’t get answered. When it comes to the enemy, who are they getting their support from? They’re able to do all kinds of evil but whose energy are they using? Is God allowing his energy to be used for evil by evil? I don’t understand this concept. I’m not trying to do evil to anyone, but I don’t understand how can evil be done to me if God isn’t supporting evil? Where is this energy coming from? Is there a separate consciousness that’s pure evil but not part of God?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
You are speaking many truths here but not getting the whole picture clearly in focus. What you are experiencing is the consequences of free will in action and free agency. Both are gifts from the divine bestowed to physical beings of all kinds as a part of a grand experiment in loosening the reins of divine control by allowing this greater freedom. The risk is that people can abuse the privilege if they begin taking things for granted, assume too much of their own self-importance, and begin to become self-serving, neglectful of others, or even cause harm by becoming too competitive and seek power and control over others to gain greater security and more rewards for themselves, for example. Such non‑divine actions are a kind of evil, and that can become a slippery slope quite quickly that encourages things to worsen because it seems to be rewarding to the perpetrator, who will have less and less self-restraint and can become more and more harmful to those around them. You ask where the energy comes from as such things play out, even though they violate logic and reason from the perspective of someone in divine alignment, knowing clearly what is right and wrong and wants to stay in good graces with the divine and develops the self-discipline to follow the rules and be more helpful than harmful, and so on. The answer is that all are given energy as a minimal condition of the life force needed to keep going. This is done regardless of what a person does with their being, how in divine alignment they might be, and the actions they take in how they live their lives and what the consequences might be to others if they begin to act in an evil way. This is free will, all of which is allowed to happen. This is hard for people to understand, but you cannot have freedom without the possibility of people making mistakes or even willfully choosing to misbehave. The challenge for humanity is to learn how to navigate wisely and well within their environment, which is, in actuality, a kind of free-for-all. The challenge has been through the ages in how to set up societal guidelines and a means of enforcement to cope with evildoers who overstep the boundaries and become a menace, and to do so justly and fairly, and especially in an incremental fashion to allow for human error and the need to learn one's way along so all do not end up in prison as children before they figure out morality and how to control themselves. There needs to be enough give and take for the lessons to be learned, and forgiveness in the system so people can rise above their worst moments and bounce back to get in divine alignment once again, and continue forward with a renewed commitment to do better—that is a self-correcting, self-learning, and self‑motivated schema that can work quite well even with great freedom allowed by the participants. What you are seeing in your current world is the worst possible circumstance when that self-balancing and self-regulating world has not yet been reached, because of the presence of evildoers in your midst setting a bad example and corrupting others to break the rules like they do, to cut corners, to be neglectful and self-serving, and many other unproductive strategies that create many problems, give rise to criminality, and with the unfairness at all levels of society imposed by corrupt thinking, it is harder and harder for people to live good lives without making many karmic missteps that come back to haunt them, and certainly harm themselves and those around them in many ways they do not realize until it is too late. The defect is not in the divine, the defect is in the system within which you find yourselves, having become distorted and out of alignment to such an extent many bad things happen that cannot be prevented, so even at the crude attempts at law enforcement and punishment are a poor source of compensation to the victims and their loved ones who are harmed by tragedy. We agree totally that the current arrangement is unsatisfactory, so we are doing our best to explain why this has come about, but it also points to the solution, which is that all need to be in divine alignment or called out when they are not, and there needs to be a recommendation and, if necessary, a means to enforce a reconsideration about the decision to neglect their spiritual nature and the need for divine assistance when such things happen. What is needed, in other words, is greater wisdom in how to navigate and deal with life's difficulties, so people will not throw up their hands in despair when something bad happens, but will rush in to see that things change through the application of divine wisdom to better guide those with poor judgment, and to have this done at all levels so all of the institutions are working together in harmony to promote things being fair and in a state of balance. There are many things needing to be done, so there are no end of opportunities for people to make the world a better place. GetWisdom is bringing forth the wisdom needed to develop the art of living to a high level of attainment in being within divine alignment in all one does—that is hard only for the uneducated. When one understands the principles involved and the consequences of overstepping the boundaries, it becomes easier to be in divine alignment than not be, because you will understand that despite the appearance of a free for all there is an ultimate righting of wrongs done by the Law of Karma eventually, and once all have that learning clearly in mind, they will be quite reluctant to engage in misconduct because they know there will be, ultimately, a penalty for them in doing so. What is missing is a clarity of understanding here about how to make the system work the way it was intended.