DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA viewer asks: “Why have I felt angry towards my father and perceived him as having “failed” our ancestral lineage? Why have I often intuited that I have the burden of helping him get out of some kind of swamp he got himself into?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is all the workings of karma and the intertwining of your journeys, the two of you often incarnating together. You have changed roles among those lifetimes, and so you have at times been the dominant one, the leader, and the caregiver, and other times he has looked after you much more so and been greatly burdened by your travails and suffering. So you are reacting to things you feel intuitively, because the situation with him, getting older and becoming more infirm, is stirring up old karmic business from other lifetimes where he was a serious hindrance to you because of infirmity. That is not truly a betrayal because it was not intentional on his part. He was a victim of circumstances, and this was true of you as well. Our loved ones are often a burden because that sense of duty, obligation, and loyalty, fueled by love, can create a huge challenge and demand on anyone when put to the test of having to save another at the expense of the self. In a way, that is the greatest of challenges there is, and is a keen moral dilemma for sure, whether to serve love or one's survival. So you are simply feeling the echoes of prior karmic events involving the two of you when it cost you greatly in caring about him and his welfare.