DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlCan you explain to what extent mind control manipulation changes beliefs that persist, even long after the purpose for their creation has ended? Does this explain why some people seem to have lost their ability to reason, clinging to beliefs of dark doings that have been shown clearly by solid evidence to be untrue?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This is all very much true. Once people are programmed, this is a rewriting of the inner belief hierarchy. It is done through a kind of brainwashing process to make them embrace certain perspectives, and embrace them strongly, and to keep them protected from any counter argument or interjection of opposing views by others under any circumstances. This is why people can blindly cling to a position that is wholly untenable based on naked facts and look the camera square in the eye and say things that are clearly lies and distortions—they wholly believe them because it is their programming to do so. Once formed, this will not change on its own. There can only be change when there is a divine intervention with healing to reverse the manipulation. This is always possible and is a worthwhile goal for all healers to do work to contribute in the rescue of humanity, to the removal of this manipulation and its consequences, so people can be restored to a place of neutrality in their thinking. And once again, be able to be open to facts and information that can help them better understand a problem and seek an appropriate solution based on logic and reason, and not simply because their programming makes them embrace a false promise or a misinterpretation dismissing danger or irregularity, and then have no second thoughts, second-guessing, or any kind of remorse, no matter what happens. This is not normal. People are wrong frequently and a normal person regrets the experience and very much wishes they had done better, and so will seek to avoid such circumstances, and therefore, be cautious in moving forward too boldly in the absence of information and evidence to support their views. When people have been subjected to mind control manipulation, they will have an opinion that is fully formed and may be based on little or nothing that is tangible but have a certitude that is quite chilling to unbiased observers expecting these views to be at least defended with some kind of proof, and when that is lacking, are appalled. This perspective cannot be held by the mind-controlled individual because it is simply not allowed to happen. So people become their own worst enemy because they are truly not themselves any longer, and this works against them in many, many ways, primarily through creating negative karma from the consequences of their distorted state of being and all that happens as a result.