DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesCan you help us understand the capabilities and limitations of Quantum Touch energy healing?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is in the same category as the other modalities we have discussed with you from your inquiries, like Reconnective Healing, Reiki, and Healing Touch. This is a desire of human beings knowing intuitively there are important energetics that they can impinge on with their bodily energy to make things happen, and the originators are tapping into that awareness and formulating a strategy to work in a systematic way to alter things for the benefit of the client receiving a healing session. To the extent this is not done with divine participation and a true partnering by invoking a divine being to come forth and work together with them to bring about a positive benefit, rather than simply thinking they are using a divine process, that is the distinction. Thinking you are divine and doing something divine does not make it divine, because the divine realm is currently only perceptible at a distance, and while it is within you in terms of its ability to experience what you experience and always be at hand, that does not mean it is engaged with your energy directly to make things happen nor another human being you wish to service in some way. If you are not asking us to join in, we will not, it is that simple. You will be on your own. You will only be using your own energy. That will automatically limit things greatly. In addition, these types of energetic manipulations are impinging on a level of function that is transient in nature because it has been undergoing continuous regeneration. So if there is an energetic manipulation to change the vibrational state of one of the energetic layers or flow of energy within the meridians, for example, that will persist only as long as it continues to be supported by the client’s being and all of the sources of influence on the mind and body of that individual taking place over time with the flow of the experience from moment to moment and hour to hour. When there is a deep inner discord of a karmic nature, for example, it will recreate an energetic discord that is freed up through an energetic manipulation, like the use of Quantum Touch, and the person will be back where they started unless a deeper healing is obtained in some way for the true karmic dilemma that has created the discord in the first place. As long as that energetic signature remains in the akashic record, it will reach out to and impinge on the person once the individual has stirred up and reconnected to the issue, perhaps from a repeated episode that has a resonance with a prior dilemma or it has been brought to the attention of the deep subconscious by a spirit meddler wishing to torment the person and will bring up their past follies and hardships as a way to frighten and discourage their host. This can happen over, and over, and over. As long as the spirits are present and as long as the akashic record has many energetic signatures of problems experienced by the individual, there will be many landmines, so to speak, that can be set off through the events from day-to-day a person experiences that may resemble a prior difficulty and these prior experiences will be triggered and the energies will begin to influence the current incarnation and this will worsen things until healing is brought to bear in a long-lasting and permanent fashion.