DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessCollective singing is another manifestation of collective expression. One of the most intoxicating moments of popular concerts is when the performing artists invite the audience to sing along with them. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
We can tell you the reason this is so intoxicating is that the angels are singing with them. Music is divine and even the more primitive or simplistic musical genres, if you will, like pop music, exists for a reason, and tap into deep awareness and connection to musical sound and expression with a truly ancient origin and heritage that is a part of every individual's makeup. When seemingly absent, that is a consequence of corruption or some kind of damage that has been done to disconnect someone from their spiritual origins. Expressing music in any form can tap into this heritage, and especially singing, because it is involving directly a deep inner connection to the music itself in using one's own physical body to produce it. The inability to express or join in will be because someone is out of alignment in some respect, but most people will resonate with any music to their liking and be raised up, and that will bring inner peace and joy because it is soothing, at a minimum, and exciting the more profoundly it touches the heart and soul. As an aspect of consciousness itself, communal singing has the same characteristics of any process involving thought done in unison; people will harmonize energetically with the intention and the content they want to convey, and this creates a very significant quantum entanglement, a joining together energetically, of souls to be intertwined and sharing in a collective experience and expression of love, if only sonically in the moment, and that is a beautiful thing, indeed.