DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialCreator has shared that the rest of the universe is truly a “safe space.” This was so because the effects of karma are more immediate, unlike the long lengths of time that can transpire in the Milky Way between the creation of karma (both good and bad) and experiencing its return. Thinking about how this can be so, is it true that outside the Milky Way, emotional feedback is instantaneous? In other words, if I hurt someone’s feelings in the Andromeda Galaxy, I will immediately feel their pain with the same intensity and vividness. Likewise, if I make someone happy I will immediately feel their happiness with the same intensity and vividness. With this kind of immediate feedback, one would be highly incentivized to minimize bad behavior and maximize good behavior. Is this in fact how it works outside the Milky Way Galaxy?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is an approximation, but not a bad description of a complex state of existence. There is a vast difference in the karmic consequences, the way they are handled, and the speed of delivery as you are describing in your question between the Milky Way Galaxy paradigm where the human free will experiment is underway and the entire rest of the universe that is on a short leash, so to speak, by virtue of the way karma operates. There indeed are rapid consequences of karmic events of all kinds outside the Milky Way Galaxy such that people will not flounder, they will have clear feedback quickly about everything they choose to do. So with rewards for good behavior coming quickly and pleasurably, there is no reason for misdeeds or dark doings of any kind, but rather there will be disincentives to do the latter. So beings of all kinds will find it highly rewarding to spread love and will avidly avoid making errors in judgment that harm others because they will have learned long ago that it simply is not in their best interest to do so. While this is a clear system with built-in rewards and punishments that are clear and provide a perfect feedback for reward and punishment to govern behavior within narrow limits, this has the disadvantage of stifling individual initiative. There are things that can be accomplished through risk-taking that might be messy at first but have a kind of silver lining and lead to great things later on that will more than compensate for inconvenience in the short-term. So those kinds of endeavors and the intricacy and complexity they represent will not be experienced by beings outside the Milky Way Galaxy because they will feel constrained by the workings of karma and will tend to be content with their lot in life, but not initiate anything bold and unconventional because of the risk of a karmic misstep. So this is an existence that is highly predictable and quite measured and purposeful and many humans would say "boring." We currently see the possibility of evil created by the free will paradigm as a much greater liability than the possibility of feeling confined and constrained by the purposefulness and precision of karma delivered quickly to anyone straying from the conventional path as being a greater liability, but that is if evil is allowed to prevail. It is evil being spawned by that very possibility of its existence in the absence of a rapid karmic payback that has become the chief problem with your galaxy and is threatening the success of the human free will experiment. So in a sense the jury is still out on whether our grand vision for this paradigm will truly bear fruit and become a permanent aspect of the universe. It is up to humans to make it successful and will be their reward if they do.