DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionDoes possessing a Y chromosome, as present in the male gender, increase susceptibility to spirit possession or the intensity of corruption, and is that a key to understanding the overwhelming majority of criminals being of the male gender?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This is very much in the chain of events for the mechanism of the greater liability posed by being male for these things to happen. It is not the hormone itself, it is what the male does with their propensities that results in there being a problem, much in the same way that guns do not kill people. People kill people with guns. So male humans commit crime and acts of violence aided and abetted by their hormone constituency to make them strong, make them aggressive and this can get them into trouble. It is not the total answer, nor is the total answer the correlation between possessing the Y chromosome and these attributes of greater violence or criminal conduct—but they are very much facilitating bad behavior by creating conditions making it more likely, and that is very much the case, in the context of a greater propensity for aggression and taking direct action when faced with any kind of problem, and with a tendency to further express things through application of power. When one is challenged, the conditions are ripe to be worsened by meddling spirits pushing those buttons, those behavioral tendencies, and ramping up the allied emotions that are already primed to occur. The aggressive impulses, the assertiveness and desire for taking action and then the characteristic of wanting to be in charge and bring power to bear to make that happen, and to be effective, all conspire to create situations where people can be triggered and pushed over a line quite readily, and things will spiral out of control and men will commit rash acts getting them into severe trouble. So, this is a multi-factorial vulnerability on display, but the key component is the spirit meddlers themselves. In their absence, the males might still be obnoxious at times because they will be loud, they will be brash, they will be demanding, they will want to control, and to use force to gain their way more so than to be accommodating and work towards a collaborative reaching of a meeting of the minds as is more characteristic of females—but that alone would not be sufficient to step over the line of lawful conduct into illegality and the harming of others, which is a characteristic of men and the sorry statistics about those incarcerated, who are overwhelmingly male. This is not a reason to give up on the male gender or attempt to change it in some way. The solution is simply to remove the interlopers from your environment and then this will not be a problem any longer. It will be a rarity for crimes to happen or acts of violence—those negative outcomes are always ginned up by spirit possession and manipulation from outside forces to push people’s buttons and push them over the edge.