DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsHow much soul damage can gaslighting do? Did gaslighting play a role in the fall of the angelics and corruption of the Extraterrestrial Alliance?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The so-called gaslighting, which is truly an assault on the integrity of the being, can be hugely destructive. This happens to many human beings subjected to neglect, physical or sexual abuse, or an emotional abuse through a chronic disparagement, hypercriticism, or an intense personal dislike, often of a karmic nature. This can so distort the recipient of such treatment that their entire life will be circumscribed and may even be shortened or end in suicide because the person is so wounded life becomes intolerable. In effect, this kind of mistreatment is done all the time by the spirit meddlers and was a major factor in the worst of things during their fall from grace where they were abused relentlessly by their leadership to diminish them, to ramp up their fear, and to carry out a propaganda campaign to turn them against the light and to fear it, which persists to this day and is a major impediment to doing a healing outreach to save them. This is the legacy of gaslighting among the spirit meddlers. It is mirrored in how members of the extraterrestrial civilizations, who are interlopers in your world, treat themselves, treat others of their kind when jockeying for power and control in their hierarchical, troubled, and harsh existence. It is a loveless existence, and a loveless world is an empty one.