DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersIs Crohn’s disease due to a viral infection?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is very much the case and is in the same category as the other diseases you are discussing. It too has that characteristic designation as a kind of autoimmune disorder and this is because it has an inflammatory character, but keep in mind that is simply the immune system doing what it is designed to do—to go after an invading organism that does not belong in the body. It is not attacking the body per se, it is trying to root out the viral scourge and the injury to the body is collateral damage. So here again, using drugs to block the immune response will decrease the collateral damage of the immune system, but will allow the viral scourge to continue unimpeded and even accelerated. This creates a treadmill effect because any time therapy is withdrawn it risks a surge in the disease and symptoms from the primary disruption of the body. So once again, until there is a reorienting of opinion about the disease origin and concerted effort to do the research, there will be no progress in this arena that has lasting benefits. Everything medicine does by and large is a holding action due to such assumptions with little understanding of the underlying disorder in the body on multiple levels, certainly ignorance of the karmic vulnerabilities but then even understanding what is happening within the tissues and cells. On a molecular level with the physical changes taking place, there is a poor mechanistic understanding of cause and effect. There are many effects observed, but the causal elements are conjectural at this stage. That is what needs to change.