DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersIs the information of channeler [name withheld] echoed almost identically by a number of her client’s higher selves truly them, or an imposter? Will the Event they describe take place?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
She was connecting to an Anunnaki psychic, so the corresponding stories having a high resemblance to one another would be expected, as this is propaganda being used to promote the coming scenario of Disclosure and the ascension of humans which has been long promised. It is part of the disinformation campaign to create many, many, scenarios, not all of whom are identical, and this adds confusion to things and uncertainty as well, and will end up confounding the observers and will serve to discredit many along the way. You have been, and will continue to be, subjected to this treatment because your message is so different than most. That is no accident. As you have been told, and seen for yourself, and concluded unilaterally, the fact that you are almost an outlier is a testament to the validity of your message rather than the invalidation. If you think about the reality of there being a broad conspiracy to subjugate and misdirect and co-opt human endeavors, to engineer the manipulation and consequences for humanity as a whole to serve the Extraterrestrial Alliance, it is only logical that the majority of intuitives, most of whom are not thinking about safety and simply trust their own intuitive abilities to give them accurate information, would be receiving similar programming and manipulation. This is very much the case. While the various scenarios differ with respect to details, there is method to the madness here and you will see this reconciled in various ways as the spokespersons coalesce on a narrative that begins to unfold in reality. This is the beginning of the end rather than the end of the beginning, and is entirely sinister and working against humanity in all respects. It is most unfortunate, but this is why you are here and why you are engaged. As you are in listening to us and bringing the information forward, it will add to the energy of safety and increase the reach of the divine realm in proportion to the following you generate and their alignment with the recommendation to do an outreach to the divine realm for assistance. It is a simple gesture and while it needs to be heartfelt and with belief in us, it is not too heavy a burden to ask of anyone. You are currently far outnumbered because that has been engineered by the Extraterrestrial Alliance working for many, many, years now to cultivate the intuitively-open individuals among the spiritual community and others as well in all walks of life to embrace programming instilled within them and begin to reflect that in their thoughts and actions. You can be sure that when the majority lines up behind a story, that story is a false one and will have a hidden trap or will not come to pass. This is simply business as usual that you are going against the grain, but it is an established propaganda message with variations that makes the majority of people embrace ideas like a coming big event of ascension. There are component parts to this that are planned to take place. This will serve the various narratives as there will be something for all to point to in their predictions, and as these things begin to happen it will give increasing confidence of the average person in the spiritual community. But this will be serving the Extraterrestrial Alliance and not the interests of humanity because the take-home message will be one of complacency and surrender by default to the agenda of the Extraterrestrial Alliance without realizing the danger lurking behind what is unfolding.