DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlIs the large number of people with multiple personalities (Dissociative Identity Disorder) with subparts who speak German, and espouse satanic allegiances, and talk of a great awakening of satanic super soldiers who will rule the earth, which others have written about, the same group of individuals I have asked about, who comprise 1% of the population and I am calling mind-controlled troublemakers?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
They are part of the same broad cohort of individuals that have been heavily corrupted and are being manipulated directly by the extraterrestrial psychics, to stir up trouble, to inculcate negative beliefs, and to give them a combination of threats and promises to entice and distort their thinking, with the desired goal of creating a menace to the community. They will be not only selfish to an extreme, being a psychopath without a conscience, but will be quite volatile emotionally, and prone to flying into a rage when interfered with in the least fashion. This makes them not only volatile, but dangerous to be around. To be confronted with such a person who is out for blood over a simple misunderstanding is a highly threatening and upsetting experience, and this will leave many people shaken and under extreme stress whenever they must face that person again, if they happen to share the environment, for example, being employed and having to work together, or the person is a member of one’s family. The problem is, the fuller appreciation and understanding of their makeup often comes too late, because they can be quite seductive and charming in their manner, having learned how to mimic the desirable qualities that people are drawn to, in order to manipulate other people to like them and accept them. They are quite masterful at this, in fact, despite their inherent limitations and being truly hollow inside because they lack an ability to love and feel compassion. They nonetheless are driven to be in control and in charge if at all possible, because their ego is boundless and they want to avoid, at all costs, being under someone else’s power and control. This will make them challenging to supervise and extremely difficult to get along with because there will not be a normal give-and-take. They will be demanding and ruthless in the pursuit of their desires, and will have a cunning and the diabolical perspective that will enable them to go to any extreme to get what they want. They can be quite dangerous to be around when pushed to extremes of entertaining violence and criminal activity. Not all will reach those extreme levels of dysfunction, but this will be in the minds of the people around them, having to deal with them, because their extreme anger and rageful responses to disappointment will be upsetting at a minimum and terrifying at the extreme. In actuality, one will never know what these people are capable of in any individual instance, because they will worsen over time, typically, and the interlopers will continue to work on them, to push them more and more, further and further along the path of depravity, because they know it will be disruptive and harmful to many other people and that is the purpose of the exercise—to create mayhem. It is a relatively small number who end up as mass killers, and this will largely depend on the makeup in terms of the past history, whether there has been that level of wrongdoing in the person’s past as a precedent. If so, it will be much easier in the current life to elicit those extremes of behavior, to cross boundaries and engage in unlawful conduct. But when people are experiencing extremes of anger, rising to the level of rage, many things can happen, including extreme violence that might be regretted later but it will be too late then to make a difference.