DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersIs there any parallel in the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi and the relationship between Lucifer and Michael the Archangel?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Inevitably, in any setting where there is a confrontation by beings who differ in their orientation and their relative divine alignment or corruption, as the case may be, this is a prescription for a drama of some kind to unfold. To someone in divine alignment, encountering someone who is evil and a threat to others will be seen clearly as a liability, and with an inner sense of some obligation to take action of some kind to deal with this menace in the spirit of wanting to help the greater good. So, at a minimum, an appeal to the divine will ensue and there may well be guidance to do something personally, and that is because you are in a do-it-yourself world, you are supposed to run things, to be in charge, and to attend to all the problems that arise, including the problem of evil. That is why you were created to fix it, to have within you the capability to counter evil with divine love and find ways to prevail through healing your opponent, raise them up so they will surrender their evil agenda, and begin to follow a better path. People who have strayed from the divine path through seeking greater personal power will find many in better alignment who will take them on, confront them, and question what they are doing and how they are doing it, and this becomes a kind of test for both parties—for the corrupted individual, it becomes a test of strength and they will want to see if they can prevail and win out as the stronger party using power as the means, because it is what they have come to believe needs to be the goal, because it is the path to success; the person who is more in divine alignment will likely be the mentor, the one with greater life experience and a wiser judgment and ability to see right and wrong, and will be able to tell rather quickly that the person not in alignment who confronts them is using faulty reasoning and making an appeal to power for personal gain in some way that will not serve them in the end, and this needs to be countered by the wiser party, and that indeed can be quite a challenge, especially dealing with someone who is being difficult and unable to reason on the same level. This is a risk to all because all have many teachers in life and the end result of their progress will be to what extent they hear and understand what their teachers are sharing with them, and can embrace the wisdom and put it to good use in adjusting their actions and their course in life, and in the doing reinforce the learning within to become the truth they are choosing to follow and, in effect, are becoming in harmony with the divine by doing so. To listen to others and be able to see the greater wisdom they hold, even if it seems to be a criticism or judgment in some respects because one has been out of alignment, and without realizing it, so there is a conflict of perspectives, a return to greater humility may allow someone with less experience, who is a bit too full of themselves, too cocky, and is overreaching, to step back, pause, and rein themselves in before making too great an error from which they might not recover. The lesson in this is not to ignore the would-be teacher, nor to conquer and subdue them and eliminate them as competition, thinking one has outdone them and deserves to gain the upper ground and be in a dominant position of authority, but to understand that one will always be on a learning path and you will never be done if you aspire to greatness of a true sort. So if you exhaust the resources of a teacher and begin to feel there is nothing more to learn from them, all that means is you need to find a better teacher, because there will always be someone of greater attainment, greater knowledge, and wisdom, who will be able to teach you many things you still do not fully grasp, and that is the best way to proceed in life, not to conquer someone who threatens your superiority but learn from them what makes them strong, and if it is based on divine wisdom, adopt it oneself and you will not only become their equivalent in strength but may be catapulted to even greater accomplishments, insight, and growth in wisdom yourself, taking you far beyond your would-be competitor who in actuality can be a servant in an endless journey of learning and growth.