DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessMany people keep journals of their dreams. What is the divine perspective of this? Is it worth the trouble and time it takes? Granted that is a judgment call and must be left to the individual, would most find it helpful in some way?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We would say it’s more helpful for a few than for the many. The reason is that dreams come and go and serve a purpose for a time as a way of trying things out, trying things on for size, exploring what-ifs, and having a kind of foretaste of what can happen in various hypothetical scenarios that are conjured up by the mind. These scenes are created for a myriad of purposes, not all of which will make sense to the conscious self or be interpretable in any kind of context. They are often mirroring what is going on within the deep subconscious which will remain a mystery to the conscious self because it is not privy to the origins of the scenarios taking place in the dream because the conscious mind will not see the akashic records that might have triggered the need for a dream sequence. So these can be recorded in a journal, but the information will be of little or no real value in truly understanding the self, the reason for the dreams in the first place, and therefore any possible meaning that is attributed will be a guessing game and inevitably will misassign the purpose because they see the dream divorced from its origin and reason for being. So it is simply a guessing game and most dreams in a sense are symbolic in nature and metaphorical and can be interpreted in so many ways this further dilutes any potential utility in studying them to discern their possible importance. There are useful dreams in the form of prophecy that happen for some individuals who are intuitively gifted, but such individuals will begin to see this is so and then will be on the lookout for a reoccurrence and will be able to take advantage of the information if they perceive it and can take appropriate action because they may in some cases be able to take advantage of or forestall a future occurrence to their benefit. So there are special circumstances in the mix here. In some cases, people use the dream state for problem-solving of things important to the conscious awareness, as in a real-life scenario in a work environment or educationally, and there may even be a collaboration between the higher self and the subconscious to do some problem‑solving and bring a higher awareness of possible solutions during the dream state that can be recalled upon awakening if the person writes down in a journal what was experienced and the interpretation they give to it. Sometimes this will prove to be quite accurate and may even bring a revelation of an idea that leads to works of greatness. There are many examples of scientific discoveries having their origins in a dream that was recognized and appreciated on awakening by the conscious mind as holding the key to a serious problem of interest and concern, and then seeing there was a solution portrayed and just needed that conscious awareness to discern it and formulate a strategy to bring it into being. But for the most part, the dream state is a kind of processing and recycling center for dispensing excess emotions and a kind of housekeeping routine more so than the birthing of works of genius. But each person is different. If there is a request to the divine for great insight, guidance, and inspiration, it will be easiest for most individuals to impart this during the dream state. With such a partnership, keeping a dream journal would be highly advisable because one is calling on higher awareness and not simply recording the mind as it carries out the garbage on a daily basis.