DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaSocial media has seemingly given birth to “virtue signaling.” A means by which you signal your membership with a group of people who supposedly espouse the same values by posting approved content, liking approved content, and defending approved content. Rather than a means by which greater diversity of thought can blossom, virtue signaling becomes a means by which you tow the social media party line. What is Creator’s view of virtue signaling?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
In view of the fact that culture is always evolving and the beliefs of today will inevitably be reshaped and take on a different temperament and scope with more learning and growth, it is a dangerous idea to feel self-righteous about anything in particular—that is always an ego-based elevation, to raise oneself above another for personal gratification. In terms of virtue signaling, it may also be done out of fear as a self-protective gesture, as in letting a mob know you stand with them so they will leave you alone and not make you their victim. But for the most part, it is done as a way to claim superiority in a visible fashion to gain approval of others, so it is a rather shallow and self-serving gesture and often a thoughtless exercise. It is most often done by those who are simply members of a herd and following the leader with little thought given to the overall meaning and consequences of aligning themselves with a particular ideology—that is always a slippery slope because attitudes and standards change over time. So we are not saying it is unwise or inappropriate to hold strong beliefs and opinions, but there is a time for calm reflection and equanimity in understanding that you are still only privy to a singular and personal experiencing of the world and you would do well to be more tolerant and respectful of those with somewhat differing opinions, and not so eager to shout your beliefs from the rooftop when they may in fact be ill-informed and woefully incomplete and a source of embarrassment if seen one day in hindsight. So as a phenomenon, virtue signaling has an impact in preserving and amplifying prejudiced notions of all kinds because they are always a narrow and self-serving perspective and those are often based on non-divine thinking to begin with.