DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsSome have speculated that every thought has its own reality. But is that true in the same way for all thoughts? I can sit down and make a list of a thousand things I could do tomorrow, from cleaning the basement to baking a cake, to visiting my sister, etc. However, only two or maybe three items on the list will have enough intention behind them to actually become my tomorrow’s reality. A list item such as “paint my car pink” has almost ZERO chance of manifesting into reality. Yet, because it made it onto the list, it actually has more reality than the infinite number of possibilities that did not make it onto the list. Can Creator help us parse out just how much reality is behind this list of a thousand things I could do tomorrow?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The short answer is your list has meaning and an energetic power to become reality in direct proportion to the level of intention inherent in the attractiveness of each individual item. At the time of its creation, each thing on the list has been birthed into existence as an idea with an intention behind it created by you in proportion to an inner desire for that particular outcome to happen in actuality. And by their very nature, with an intention to have a quite lengthy list that would be impossible to bring to fruition, there will be many things considered but only briefly, and with little intention behind them. Whereas some will be more attractive or more compelling choices to be on the list and will already have a greater force of intention behind them because that was inherent in the creative impulse to formulate the idea and the intention for it to be on the list, so there will already have been an applied ranking of intention during the process of the list creation. This is subject to further refinement, retooling, reconsideration, and a reordering of priorities, perhaps in scanning through to check what still has some appeal and what individual items are of lesser interest or importance compared to others. This will further refine the level of intention in specific cases, and that exercise will likely whittle things down simply because of the energies involved with their meaning to you, so when it comes time to act in starting your day, things will likely rise to the awareness or stand out from the list with the intention to move forward, and this will necessitate making decisions and create a sense of urgency that will compel obtaining an answer as to what might be the most urgent thing to start with, if a prioritization was not already done to consolidate the list in a rank order, with the intent to simply carry that out mechanically the following day so as to save time in not agonizing over things further. Everyone operates differently with regard to the degree of prior planning in deploying their energies. Some are quite content to act in the spur of the moment more so than others who are planful and want to really think things through and optimize, and are more perfectionistic in deploying their resources with having more thought behind them, and so on. So the question you pose will have many different answers and as many as there are people. As you know, there are many who would never bother to make a list at all and would simply take a moment to think about their day and launch in and do what first comes to mind and go from there, and quite a spectrum in between of others at the other extreme who might take days or even weeks to plan ahead and put things on a calendar so they can do all the things in preparation that might be needed such as ordering supplies and materials for a planned project so everything is at hand when the scheduled day arrives to start work, and depending on the size of the project, particularly if it involves others as well, there may need to be quite a degree of prior planning and coordination. So every situation is different and every person is different and it is all a function of the varying strategies used by people to marshal intentions for carrying out useful actions and how they go about things, but the various actions and how the intention launches them into being will be quite similar, it’s just that people will have varying thresholds in tolerating ambiguity, uncertainty, and comfort level acting in a more spontaneous way as opposed to setting up rules and rigid requirements with specific criteria to be met, and so on, in how they conduct their lives.