DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindThe dilemma of having been programmed to have false beliefs by the interlopers would seem to be an especially thorny healing problem if the victim is unaware they hold faulty beliefs and is quite content to hold their views “as is.” To what extent will a general prayer request bring meaningful repair? Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a separate prayer of self-improvement, requesting help to learn, replace faulty thinking, grow true understanding, and attain divine wisdom?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
You are indeed correct about this and your prayer wording is quite fine in taking into account multiple aspects of this agenda. This is indeed the way to go about it to appreciate the need, the nature of the problem in the way, the characteristics you wish to see brought forward or corrected, and to state these clearly with the added requests for having it done on a suitable scale with repetition and dedication to maintain implementation of the prayer requests again and again until their objective is achieved. These are all aspects that can be added, and others, to make the use of prayer equivalent to the power of the Protocol, at least for the target of the prayer and its agenda as a subset of possibilities, and it will far exceed what a simple prayer can do.