DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindWe routinely request healing for all subconscious programming when we use the Lightworker Healing Protocol. Can this problem also be dealt with effectively through the use of the collection of prayers recommended by you, or would it be best to devise a special prayer for this?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
We would say “yes” to both of these ideas. The array of prayer requests provides a multipurpose shield for most difficulties, and most things will receive the possibility of healing even though the prayer requests are quite general, they make up for this in being broad in coverage, and that is the workaround in play here. That is not to say they cannot be improved, or refined, or strengthened. Greater specificity based on greater awareness and greater knowledge of what is needed and the possibilities of the Divine to bring in very high-level strategies to cope with the problem and bring it to a full resolution will be much more powerful in a time sense in bringing a full healing into being. This simply cannot be helped—energy being energy, it is always based on many variables, including the originator and their awareness, inner strength, alignment with the Divine, and the power of the intention they bring to bear in the moment in carrying out any particular action. More elaborate detail and focused prayer requests for important objectives that capitalize on advanced ways of empowering prayer will be more effective by acting quicker and achieving more comprehensive results with each iteration. This is the wisdom you are bringing forward with your exercise in creating the Mega Prayers that have many extra features for empowerment in this way, and this is very much what you are asking about here because it applies across the board as a general principle that one can always do better by making things better, and that is all dependent on human ingenuity, commitment, wisdom, and dedication to the cause of the light.