DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationThe viewer also says: “The Apunian extraterrestrials also talk later about our current perspective as reality and the interactions with the other similar “ETs” are just other humans at different points in time on the same journey. As we get closer to the source we raise in ascension through experience and understanding. You have to play both sides in order to fully appreciate the understanding of the experiences gained and the lessons that can be learned.” Are these perspectives accurate and helpful?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
These perspectives as well are both inaccurate and unhelpful. This is another disinformation campaign to create the idea that extraterrestrial beings may be linked genetically to humanity after all. It is akin to the idea of the Nordics having lived underground for many centuries and representing very friendly but wise and more advanced beings. This is a dangerous idea to think of them as human. First of all, because they are not, and secondly, because they wish to destroy humanity altogether. So the fact there are similarities in physical makeup and morphology does not mean you can trust them to be your friend and supporter. They are loveless beings. This is a disinformation campaign of the Arcturians who can pass as humans and will promote such ideas to again create acceptance for their kind to integrate with humanity. This is a false promise that will end in disaster.