DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessThere is a book containing collective lectures by Austrian intuitive seer, Rudolf Steiner, titled The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric: A Collection of Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ. To explore this topic in a future show, it is first important to clarify what is meant by the term “etheric.” An article on ekhartyoga.com states: “The ancient Greeks saw ether as a god-like element, and a substance that allowed humans to connect to spirituality and intuition. Ancient yogis saw ether as that which was unbound and all-pervasive, and the element of potentiality.” What is Creator’s perspective and definition of the words “ether” and “etheric?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Ether is a metaphysical term and has been adopted at times by science as well, to convey a kind of energy field in which unusual things are harbored and may happen. It is mostly conceptual because of its elusive nature, going unrecognized for millennia, except for intuitive speculations, but not appreciated by others with less psychic ability. The subject comes up from time to time and the term serves a useful purpose in conveying this very notion of a kind of web of energy with special properties that can connect various things in various ways, and thus has a role to play somehow in assisting things that happen, things of importance, and this is all quite true. We would say the best definition for "ether" is a kind of ultimate worldwide web but going through all of creation, not simply the Earth as your stomping grounds. What it consists of is a special kind of energy of consciousness, our consciousness, because the universe is our creation, after all. Why would a universe of our creation have to be made up of something outside us? And if already there to serve, like modeling clay, who created that, and how might that work if we commandeer it and assign it to a new purpose? As our consciousness, it is an aspect of our being and thus, by definition, special from your perspective, but it is also distinct because it differs somewhat from the energy of consciousness you utilize in various forms. In a sense, they are an offshoot of the ether and use the ether as well, as a conveyance through being in resonance, in tune, and vibrating harmonically. So here we get into more a scientific analysis of an interplay, but all of this is needed in various ways to address the kinds of questions you are interested in exploring. This is a difficult arena because of the lack of knowledge within your culture and language also, as many concepts have no words to describe them which are meaningful to you, so we will need to rely much on parallels with physical processes of various kinds and metaphorical representations as a kind of example to explore the properties of this wondrous realm. Keep in mind that the concept of "ether" was perceived by intuitives at times throughout history but with very little mechanistic understanding of its origins, purpose, makeup, and mechanistic operation. Thus, it is often a term loosely applied with an assumption that what is being observed or conjectured operates via the ether in some mysterious way. That does not mean such attributions are always accurate in applying that analysis, so whether the ether is formally involved or not in phenomena is a significant distinction, at least in understanding the truth of things in being able to establish a foundation with accurate knowledge so you can probe more deeply. This is important, to gain a more insightful and elaborate understanding of various phenomena that impinge on the ether and its properties without introducing distortions and error, mixing apples and oranges, as the risks are always great that will happen, given the varied accuracy of psychic awareness and interpretations by many intuitives through the ages.