DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsTocqueville said: “Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.” What is the divine perspective of this statement?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here again is divine wisdom on display. Morality is the alignment of intentions according to divine truth and wisdom, and inherent in the idea of morality is a concept of fairness where the goal of each and every person is to live by love, through love, and for love in whatever acts of loving kindnesses are needed to raise up the needy along with rewarding the successful and the talented. Love comes from the divine. Loving governance according to moral principles cannot exist without a basis in having recognition of the need for love to be a factor in all that happens with governance, because that is the true basis for being just, for being fair, for being kind and supportive. In the absence of love, people will turn to self-serving motivations in a mad scramble to get all they can for themselves, to find a way to have power and control over others as the only practical way to obtain security and, in the end, survival. So these deep truths he describes speak to the need for a love-based system that is the essence of divine energy and the wellspring of morality. One needs faith to be a part of the flow of love from Creator. It is those who have hardened their hearts in denying the truth of the divine who become loveless beings and are widely recognized as selfish, narcissistic, or even to be sociopaths who lack a conscience. All are evidence of the absence of faith and morality which are extensions of love and cannot be valued or truly understood by the loveless.