DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsTocqueville said: “Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” What is the divine perspective of this statement?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This statement is wholly in divine alignment. This cuts to the heart of the matter, that when one wants to seek equality through a socialist government, this inevitably results in loss of freedoms because power must be turned over to the state to act on behalf of all, which means no individual truly has authority or any kind of sovereignty except that allowed by the state. When the whole purpose of a socialist system is to have uniformity so all must march in lockstep and follow exactly the same rules, and correspondingly must share and share alike no matter what, if the state is inefficient, if it squanders resources, if it takes from the masses and there is corruption with resources and money flowing to elites in the government, the general population may become impoverished, and because it is the state with power and authority there will be no way to change things to guarantee true fairness—that is the danger inherent with starting on this slippery slope of assuming, by surrendering authority to the state, one gains equality in a true sense. What will happen, and this has borne out time and time again, all will be equal in their lack of power and control of their own lives; all will suffer equally. That is not progress, that is walking into the mouth of the lion who wishes to eat you. The hidden motivation for such schemes is indeed power and control, not truly wanting to help the masses of people with a spirit of loving kindness and genuine concern for inequalities in wanting to raise everyone up. In a divine world run by divine humans unfettered, uncorrupted, and unbridled by overseers from the darkness, that is the world you would have and there would be no opposition. That is truly not possible under current conditions when people are manipulated to be complacent, to be ignorant, and to be easily manipulated to surrender their autonomy to a central government. In essence, it is a march to the scaffold—you might not be beheaded but will certainly suffer worse than what you are experiencing now in the ongoing death of a thousand cuts where little by little you are hemmed in, constrained, corrupted, and brutalized in myriad ways deliberately and surreptitiously, and even seemingly by natural disasters of all kinds which are actually orchestrated to happen to worsen things—this is not a direction you want to go.