DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWe learned that Earth was created or transformed (depending on the era) to be an Eden (physical paradise) for the divine human—a nest, a “safe space” free of apex predators and noxious pests like the mosquito. Were ALL worlds in the Milky Way following the Big Bang, initially created to be “Edens” as well?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is quite true. The intention was to introduce the challenging environment allowing free agency and free will with the hope and expectation its challenges could be surmounted and in this iteration lead to a successful learning curve, and that all inhabitants would be able to balance things to keep their darker impulses in check through self-discipline and learned consequences in the absence of an immediate payback from the Law of Karma. But such was not meant to be and the fall of the angelic cohort that turned away from love and light caused things to unravel not only for their own group of beings but corrupting many other groups of physical beings who they preyed upon and corrupted in turn. This evil has spread throughout the entire Milky Way Galaxy at this point, and that has led to the creation of the divine human as a solution to the problem of evil. You are facing the greatest challenge of your existence and for some of you, yet again. We think you can win the contest if you persevere and are helping you all along the way, but keep in mind we cannot win it for you. This you must do to a great extent on your own, to see what is needed and make the right choices. While the forces arrayed against you are quite formidable, this challenge is quite doable if you consider that all you really need is to become awakened as a species to the need for divine assistance and to request this directly. Under those conditions, we can come to your aid. This is a perfect answer to the problem. It was the dark spirit meddlers who turned away from love and light that caused the problem of evil to begin with. That is why returning to divine alignment in requesting divine assistance through belief in the divine and in oneself, as a divine extension and therefore worthy of divine assistance, are the antidote to the disconnection giving rise to evil in the first place.