DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWhat is the mechanism of mind control? Is it a conversation with the deep subconscious, with instillation of false beliefs within the cellular consciousness and upper subconscious as well? Can you give us a tutorial to aid our understanding of how it works and why it is effective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
We can say "yes" to all the above. There are many ways the extraterrestrials can manipulate thoughts, feelings, and beliefs as well. They subject everyone to a bombardment of subliminal messages via all electronic devices, including computers, cell phones, and televisions. These messages are beaming directly into the deep subconscious mind. There is an interplay with the other levels of the mind to some extent by the deep subconscious itself, particularly within cellular consciousness. But that can be reached directly by the interlopers as well because they know this is another repository of consciousness they can manipulate that will not be immediately perceived by the conscious mind as being tempered with. What will happen is something is put into that memory bank that will emerge later on as the individual's own recovery of the information, bringing it into conscious awareness, and it will be seen entirely as the individual's own thought process with never a suspicion it was planted information. Many things are done to distort the mind, and this includes an interplay during the day as well, telepathically. Many times, people will feel like they are having an odd thought or a spontaneous rumination that is a kind of interruption of what they were doing. That is typical of how the mind works. It is ever busy and many people, in fact, have trouble staying on track with consistent focus for long in doing anything. All of those little jogs in direction of the thoughts could be completely natural and self-generated by the mind's operations, but they could just as easily be an intruder interposing a message in the form of thought that might be expressed, just as though it has bubbled up from below, as thoughts do. This makes mind control manipulation extremely difficult to detect. People might realize they are having dark thoughts at the moment, but will not suspect it is coming from beyond themselves, only that they are indulging in a kind of reverie, turning something over in their mind for consideration. Mind control manipulation is so powerful and effective because it is sight unseen. Not only is the mechanism of manipulation seamless in blending into the normal workings of the mind, with thoughts appearing one after another and often shifting focus to new topics spontaneously. People can be altered over time without realizing it is not a natural shift in thinking and that, as well, will not be questioned because people, in the first place, do not even know there is a problem from outside interlopers wanting to control and undermine humanity to bring about their destruction. Under these conditions, humanity is at a huge disadvantage because no one is fighting back.