DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWhat was the cause of my client [name withheld] having halitosis despite good hygiene practices?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
As you saw intuitively, this was due to the presence of her onboard hybrid lost soul spirit attachment being her troubled sister from the most recent past lifetime, who was unkempt and was ill-cared for, creating part of the karmic issues leading to her earthbound status, and the client being targeted in this way—once again, being in the sister’s presence and being dragged down by the liabilities she presented, in this case, the stench of her poor hygiene, which was a function of the poor caretaking, being unable to care for her own needs. The fact that this fell to the sister, now your client, was an obligation, not just a burden. And the fact that she was unable to rise to the occasion has created a karmic debt and that debt is playing out with the continued presence of the sister in spirit form and perpetuating the discomfort for all involved. The spirit of the departed sister gains nothing from being a pawn of the spirit meddlers in tormenting her sister in the living in this fashion and so is very much still in the same mode of being impaired, and defenseless, and becoming a burden to others in the family. Your client, of course, has no conscious awareness this is playing out, but karma is typically a factor in much of what happens in human experience without there being awareness whatsoever of this reality or any appreciation of the links in a chain of events tying things together in this way to continue a drama or some kind of difficulty. In this case, her hiring you to do a Lightworker Healing Protocol session for her has removed this spirit presence and will resolve the halitosis accordingly, and is a blessing for both your client and the spirit in question who truly needs to move on. And the healing gained from the Protocol session, applied in parallel to the unfortunate earthbound sibling, will allow her to do much better in future incarnations and be much less likely to be in a position of dependency and helplessness, and that will certainly be a step up for her. Because this healing, with its profound consequences, is being done at the request of the previously offending sister, now in a new life as your client, it is serving to balance the books, so to speak, and repair the karmic debt from the past lifetime they shared where your client was negligent in giving care in all ways possible, despite the difficulty of the circumstances. So this will repair loose ends for your client as well in terms of karmic debt.