DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsYourdictionary.com also has this to define arrogance: “Having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt for others.” From this definition, we can glean that arrogance is not synonymous with pride, but with excessive pride that corrupts the person. Why does excessive pride become a toxic and corrosive influence? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
In a sense, you are identifying the problem by looking for a cause when the problem and the cause are the same. Arrogance is a temptation of the ego, to reach for power and use a self-assessment of superiority as a justification. In a sense, when this results in contempt for others, it is showing great excess of ego that is unbridled. Such individuals feel contempt for others because this is a kind of character flaw. The search for someone to blame is a kind of game people play that serves to consolidate their sense of superiority because that will be validated and proven when the blame for a problem can be pinned on others, making the self more worthy and elevated by comparison. So contempt for others by the arrogant is simply a symptom of the non-alignment that arrogance represents when someone is bestowing on themselves an undeserved status of privilege and presumed praiseworthy attributes, but they will find not all will agree with their self-assessment. So, someone who is acting indifferent or cool towards them instead of embracing them with worshipful praise, they may perceive as an attack or, at minimum, willful ignorance on the part of others. So the contempt is a judgment that others are unworthy because they are not worshipping at the shrine, so to speak, and praising the arrogant would-be superior individual. This is, indeed, a prescription for not only friction but disastrous personnel problems in many settings. In any kind of organization or business where groups of people need to work together to accomplish a challenge, while someone might need to be the leader, if it is an arrogant individual, this will likely impede progress, because there will be discord and disharmony in the ranks, because not all will be equally willing to subsume their personal interests and even self-esteem to be, in effect, bullied by an arrogant overseer who is quick to find fault with them, and that negative condescending judgment will reduce cooperation and productivity because others will not want to reward an arrogant leader, even if their own success is dependent on the group efforts.