Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 11June2019

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 11June2019

1) If people never realize the whole truth about the world we live in, how can they be expected to try and help us make it better?

2) Where do people actually go when the have a near death experience? Do they actually go to the divine realm or do they go somewhere in the astral plane and are being deceived by spirit meddlers?

3) Bartolomé de Las Casas,(born 1474) early Spanish historian and Dominican missionary who was the first to expose the oppression of indigenous peoples by Europeans in the Americas and to call for the abolition of slavery there, He narrated in his chronicles to witness the indigenous women giving birth painlessly and with pleasure. The body of the woman, so beautifully designed, presents a great difficulty in the physiological act of childbirth, being the cause of so many deaths through History. Was this another side effect from the downgrading of Humanity? What is the origin of the biblical curse “you will give birth to your children with pain”?

4) How was female menstruation before the arrival of the Moon, so strongly connected today?

5) The oracles in ancient Greece used to inhale psychedelic gases that came out of the earth in order to communicate with the divine. However, through the years, these gases stopped being emitted. (Plutarch describes this) Why did this happen?

6)Generally, how important were psychedelic plants in human history?

7) What is the true function of our chakras? Some energy healers claim chakras are an energetic yoke, and that their removal will release our central energy core and open our energetic conduit to our higher selves and Source Creator. What is the truth? Webinar: What Your Higher Self Can Do For You 03Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: What Your Higher Self Can Do For You 03Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is the Higher Self?
Many know of its existence but are uncertain about what it is and its place in the soul hierarchy. Karl & Denny will share Creator explanations of the makeup and purpose of this important part of our soul’s complex vastness and entirety.

Is Direct Communication with the Higher Self Possible?
There are many misconceptions about the need for, and how one can communicate with, the Higher Self directly, especially to enhance receiving information. Many approaches are being followed which give false feedback. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s setting the record straight about what is possible and what is not.

What is the Role of the Higher Self?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s clarifications regarding the divine perspective on the critical role of the Higer Self and further discuss what the Higher Self contributes to the life experience of an incarnated human and how it governs.

Can We Appeal to the Higher Self Directly?
People are mostly unaware that their Higher Self can do many additional and remarkable things for the asking. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s instructions for how you can unleash this power to improve your life!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about what the higher self can do for you … Webinar: Preparing Questions for Creator 24Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Preparing Questions for Creator 24Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Does the Originator’s Question Become the Channeler’s?
During a channeling, is Creator answering the originator of the question, or strictly the channeler who is asking it on behalf of the questioner during the session? Karl & Denny will share Creator’s answer about whether the channeler is just a conduit having no influence on the words and answers that come forth, or a potential source of error.

What Happens When the Channeler is Confused?
What are the pitfalls in the event of misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the intent behind the question on the part of the channeler asking a question on behalf of someone? Many questions are open-ended and can be answered from different perspectives and levels of detail. Karl & Denny share Creator’s comments on just how big a problem this is in getting the best information from a session.

How Critical is Deep Understanding of the Subject?
What if the channeler has a deep understanding but the originator of the question does not? Will lack of familiarity prevent unearthing a deeper description? What if the opposite is true? Karl and Denny share Creator’s response.

How Can Questions be Crafted for the Best Response?
Karl & Denny will explore Creator’s tutelage on what to think about and address to get the answers you want most. Can a channeler’s shortcomings be mitigated?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about preparing questions for Creator …

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher


Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Feb2019

We actually only used 6 questions in this channeling video interview because one of the questions was answered in the previous question. So here are the questions we used: 

Revised list of Viewer Questions for Creator 26Feb2019 

1) Is the story of Ezekiel’s wheel true and who were the beings that emerged from it? 

2) Who were the beings that interacted with the Dogons in Africa? 

3) Would people who were/are in an MK Ultra project such as Monarch be considered to be MAPS also? Even though they might never have been off-planet, they could have been used for violent & dark purposes here. Are those used for the Gray-Human hybrid program likely to have also been in Monarch, meaning the Earth-based program of sexual use, drug transport, assassination, & secure info transfer to politicians? If a person “washed out” from the violence by refusing to do it, would they be dropped completely or still used for sex, drug transport, & info transfer? 

4) Does this Human Freewill project encompass many other worlds? 

5) Did the Annunaki, Arcturian and/or Reptilian ET races start out as a free will project like us? 

6) If we are the only human free will project, please describe the other worlds the dark ETs have conquered? 

Once again we’d like to thank everyone for joining us and thinking about what you’ve learned. 

Maybe as a result you might be ready to act upon it. 

One of the things you can do is consider a donation to the Get Wisdom project or even becoming a Get Wisdom Supporter. Your financial assistance is imperative to the success of our mission. 

Our goal is to reach as many people as we possibly can and this, as you would expect, costs money. We are active in all areas of outreach using primarily our website including advertising, Search Engine Optimization, social media, video production, transcription, translation, internet radio and word of mouth. 

We also offer Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions and on-line training, so you can support us by healing yourself, loved ones, locations and companion animals or learning how to do the Lightworker Healing Protocol yourself. 

Your gift of healing, generous donations and/or monthly support helps us to make significant progress in all of these areas. We are very serious about this work and we also appreciate and encourage your prayers for us and the Get Wisdom mission. Please visit and make a donation or become a Get Wisdom Supporter. 

Time is short and we need your help now. Webinar: Preparing Others for the Afterlife 17Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Preparing Others for the Afterlife 17Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

How Can We Help Prepare Loved Ones for Passage?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says about the importance of preparing to cross over one day, and what can complicate the passing under such trying circumstances. Creator’s suggestions for helping people cope with the enormity of impending death will be shared.

How to Support a Non-Believer when Death is Pending?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator reveals about the plight of the non-believer, and how to still give them hope to cling to.

Can Grieving Another Interfere With Their Transition?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator reveals about the power of people’s thoughts and the consequences of the bonds people have formed, when they become too possessive, or their grief is too intense.

The Importance of Timely Healing for a Smooth Transition
Karl & Denny will discuss the various emotional liabilities that can hinder the soul’s return to the light. Also shared will be Creator’s travel tips that help people get ready for the next journey.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions preparing loved ones for the aftermath …

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 06Nov2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher


Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 06Nov2018

1) How can karma exist in a free will universe? Several shamanic teachers have said that karma is only a teaching, and that we can break bonds of association using intentional revocations. 

 2) “In a previous channeling session you said that we may become Creators of our own universe someday. So, does this mean that you were in our place in the past? And if so, as what creature(s) were you incarnating?” 

3) If we are immortal souls just living for a short while in these human bodies, and then going back to source, potentially to re incarnate anywhere else we choose ‑ why is it so important to prevail in this fight down here? If the bad ETs win, and humans are decimated, or destroyed, would that not just mean that our souls no longer have the choice to come here, but would go elsewhere? In other words, why does it matter? 

4) How does multiple personality disorder occur? Is it caused by the soul leaving the body many times due to trauma and why do these new personalities appear or why are these personalities created? 

5) What is the importance of forgiveness and how can we achieve it when we resent someone who has wronged us? 

6) We have learned that along with the Dark Alien Agenda for humans, the ET’s have also shortened the lifespan of the Sun. How can the healing needed, once performed, change this situation for the Sun?

7) According to Jim Marrs, we have all been living under the limits of ET dominated institutions. What are the capabilities of a human being that is not separated from the deep subconscious or from a full connection with their higher self? 

8) What is truly possible with an openly conversant walk with the divine, and have many other galactic civilizations experienced this? Webinar: Breakthrough Advance for Healing & Saving Humanity 30Sept2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Breakthrough Advance for Healing & Saving Humanity 30Sept2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

More Details on the Healing Breakthrough
Karl and Denny will continue to explore the new research breakthrough that significantly enhances the effectiveness and reach of the Lightworker Healing Protocol.

Will this Breakthrough Help Us Deal with the Interlopers?
Karl and Denny will go into detail about how this important new development will help us all in dealing with, breaking away from, and HEALING the interlopers themselves.

Timeline for Humanity’s Future?
Karl and Denny share sobering information on the challenges facing humanity in our present and immediate future. Time is short, and there is MUCH to do. Karl and Denny will share details of this new breakthrough can help us actually turn the tide – while there is still time …

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the breakthrough advance for healing and saving humanity … Webinar: Asking for Signs to Build Faith 19Aug2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Asking for Signs to Build Faith 19Aug2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Why has Creator Decreed that “Faith” is Necessary?
Many wonder why an all-powerful Creator of the universe, would impose such a problematic and seemingly unnecessary requirement? Karl and Denny will explore if the necessity of “faith” was truly Creator’s original intention and design for humanity? Or did something happen to humanity since our initial creation that separated us from divine visibility? Is someone or some “thing” responsible for this separation?

Is Faith a “Gift” or an “Attainment”?
Karl and Denny will explore the notion that faith in Creator and the Divine Realm is a “gift” from the divine? Or, is the necessary faith something that one must strive for and work to inculcate?

If One Lacks Faith, How Does One “Get” It?
Karl and Denny will share and summarize what the GetWisdom project has learned about how an individual can re-discover and strengthen their connection and re-establish their partnership with Creator and the Divine Realm.

How Can Creator’s Help to Strengthen Faith be Requested?
Karl and Denny will share the secrets of successfully asking Creator for a “sign” of Creator’s reality and loving nature.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about asking for signs to build faith … Webinar: The Extraterrestrial Final Solution for Humanity 29July2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: The Extraterrestrial Final Solution for Humanity 29July2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Who Wants Humanity Gone?
Karl and Denny will blow the whistle on the “Extraterrestrial Alliance”.

Why Do They Want Us Gone?
Karl and Denny will explore the reasons that key members of the Alliance have grown utterly disenchanted with humanity, and why their frustration has led them to conclude that our elimination is the only satisfactory solution.

When Do They Want Us Gone?
Karl and Denny will share how precious little time we collectively have, and why action on the part of all of us to counter this growing danger is so paramount.

Can They be Stopped? How Can We Realistically Stop Them?
Karl and Denny will share Creator’s advice for stopping and reversing this extraterrestrial threat.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about aliens, the worry and the hurry …

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 29May2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher


Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 29May2018

1) Was the Christ story constructed to resemble the ancient myth of Mithra by the Anunnaki or through their influence? Did they do it in order to make us believe he never existed and lose interest in his teachings? Was it a clever maneuver to promote atheism?

2) Is it true that the current Queen of England is a descendant of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed?

3) It is scientifically known that only 15% of humans carry what is known as ’Rh negative’ factor in their blood. Where does this ’Rh negative’ factor come from?

4) One of our viewers recently learned that there could be a mechanism of mind control in music, is this true? How safe is it to listen to today’s music and even music that comes to us from the past?

5) Can you explain what is known as micro-chips and/or smart dust and how it is used with other technologies as a tool to perform mind control on the masses? How does this differ from mind control that is used on targeted individuals and/or those who are considered MAP (aka SSP) abductees?

6) Is the use of MAP (aka SSP) abductees increasing in what we would consider geopolitical warfare as opposed to what many would consider exopolitical warfare?

7) What is the best method to use to prevent the activities of the soul-less alien Greys against humans, in particular their experimentation with human DNA and their infiltration using clones and hybrids into the human societies?

8) What about the impossibility of the size of the dinosaurs with 1G gravity? Is the expanding Earth a good explanation?

9) Is there a language embedded in the crop circles and do they contain warnings or predictions?

10) Is it true that the current Dark Alien Alliance plan for humanity currently favors complete annihilation as opposed to a reduced and heavily controlled human population?

11) What is Love?