DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine CautionCreator has said the Galactic Federation of Worlds does not exist—a supposed democratic organization of freely cooperating worlds aligned with the purposes of promoting and providing for the mutual well-being and common defense of all participating worlds. As such, it’s easy to visualize it as akin to Star Trek’s United Federation of Planets or The Old Republic in the Star Wars narrative. Why? Because this is what unencumbered and unmanipulated humans would likely establish. Did this once exist? Is the Star Wars narrative telling of the downfall of The Old Republic due to internal corruption recounting the actual historic downfall of the Galactic Federation of Worlds? If so, approximately when did this happen? Is one reason the ETs are so committed to our annihilation because we remind them too much of their old nemesis? Is pushing a narrative about the Galactic Federation of Worlds akin to dancing on its grave? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
The extraterrestrials are indeed reacting to human yearnings to have a measure of control over things and because you are largely, as an aggregate, more in spiritual alignment than not, you think along the lines of cooperation, mutual assistance, coming together in common cause, and working out differences through a kind of political construct of government with laws to institute fairness, and so on. The extraterrestrials are indulging those yearnings while, at the same time, seeing them cynically as "simplistic" and "doomed to fail" because they have lived in a galaxy for millions of years now that is run by tooth and claw, power and control, domination, enslavement, and subservience by the weak who will either kowtow to the strong or be eliminated. That is how the members of the Extraterrestrial Alliance run their own worlds, it is a strict, ruthless hierarchy of power and control with an emperor at the top and various lesser lights holding power over increasing numbers of underlings at the threat of death for disobedience. That creates relative efficiency and a smooth running system most of the time at the expense of being a joyless existence, and a stultifying empty life, being a cog in a wheel. So this is simply an appeal to human desire for freedom and liberty, through balanced and benevolent governance that is innate within the human heart, knowing somewhere within you are all a part of a human family and have much more in common than not. But the extraterrestrials have no interest in satisfying those yearnings, only offering false promises to keep you complacent and passively accepting their greater control of you. That is what is coming, they are grooming you to welcome them with open arms. Time will tell how successful this will turn out to be. The fact so many embrace this narrative without question is a measure of mind control manipulation that accompanies all such offerings. There is no such thing as freedom as an option for human beings. Your world is entirely manipulated. There are precious few who resist and can remain open-minded, but all such individuals must learn to be wary of these false promises and open to partnering with the divine because it is the only answer.