DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine CautionInterestingly, (and perhaps disquietingly and disturbingly) there are three books reputedly by Valiant Thor that address the topic of “Ascension.” The first is The Art of Ascension: Achieving Communion with God and Creation. The second is Millennium Seven: Biblical Secrets for Galactic Ascension in the 21st Century, and the third is Valiant Thor’s Science of Ascension: Experiencing the Absolute – The Reality of the Sphere-Beings. The first book is especially confounding as Creator has repeatedly and emphatically asserted over and over that the extraterrestrials interacting with Earth and humanity, ALL of them, are die-hard atheists. Are these books attempts on the part of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to hijack the whole Ascension narrative, ostensibly, on account of them looking into the future and seeing “Ascension” as one of the topics and pursuits, if not the principal topic and pursuit of humanity in the near future? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
The Extraterrestrial Alliance knows that humans have been seeing the possibility of a Grand Ascension throughout the ages because it is Creator's Plan for you to ultimately heal sufficiently to ascend and continue living as a Unity of Souls in an ascended world, but that will only happen if you solve the problem of evil first. Because the extraterrestrials are atheists, they do not understand that ascension is a divine orchestration and requires belief. But, as with all things human, they take human culture and twist it and manipulate it to confuse and confound and control humans, what they believe, how they think, feel, and act in ways that serve the extraterrestrial agenda, and will cause increasing harm to human civilization. So here again, this is entirely a deception, to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, to make them look sympathetic, understanding, and even to embrace spiritual notions and, with their endorsement, appear benevolent and lofty in the eyes of human beings when the opposite is the case, it is entirely a sham and a lie, a deliberate deception to lull you into complacency, it is false testimony and a cynical contrivance to deceive. They do not believe in God, they do not believe that ascension can happen, nor would they have a clue about how it might be orchestrated and what might be a necessary prelude, by way of preparation, for such an event to happen. Just like all other human yearnings, they look for ways to exploit it, take it over, and pervert it in ways that will bring heartache and disappointment for humans and reward their appetite for indulging in depravity through causing human suffering.