DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA student writes: “To date, I have done on the order of 150 Protocol sessions, about 50 of them Spirit Rescues. I am not psychic. Since then, I can’t say with any certainty, that any of the people I have worked on (most of whom have no idea I am doing the Protocol on them) have had obvious positive results from what I have tried to suss out in conversation some time afterwards. What alarmed me the most was that a friend, who knew I was doing this, had asked me to ‘do my thing’ on two of her family members, both of whom had cancer, one of which was just diagnosed. They both died shortly afterwards (and I mean within a couple of weeks or less after doing the Protocol), the one with the recent diagnosis, before she was to start any treatment! My friend has not asked me again to help other family members with issues, as according to her, ‘it doesn’t work.’ There are a few people I know who are open to ‘alternative’ things to whom I have offered to do Protocol sessions, for things like allergies and such. Not one has come back to me noticing an improvement.” What can we tell her about her experiences here?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
What you can tell her is that this is not at all unusual in spite of the number of sessions. Keep in mind they are scattered among many different individuals for the most part. Healing takes a great deal of time and is not the burden of the practitioner. What you are saying if this doesn’t work, is that the light doesn’t work, that God doesn’t work, that spiritual healing doesn’t work, that reaching out to Creator of All That Is confers no benefit nor power. That is a sweeping negative conclusion for which there is ample evidence throughout history of the opposite being the case. But given that potential to see a tangible benefit, in many instances and perhaps a majority, there will not be a tangible benefit despite fervent outreaches for divine support and help. So what is happening here, is it the fault of the practitioner? We would say "no" in almost all cases. Anyone believing in the divine enough to undertake training for this healing process will have enough belief quotient to have some effectiveness, and likely a significant degree, and this will improve over time with growing confidence and experience enough to feel comfortable in the role, especially if this is a new endeavor to be a healer in some way or another. It is easier for already established healers using other modalities such as energy healing, for example, to pick up the Protocol and run with it because they will already be in a positive, expectant state of mind and if they use the Protocol as intended by going through Creator rather than using their own self‑energy for the healing, will be able to get very good results. So if there is a God, and God can heal, and a practitioner usually is not the problem, given a reasonable belief quotient, and the fact that the Protocol has built-in with it the pooling of the intentions of many others, including their belief quotients, not to mention the light beings now coming on behalf of the client, this further reduces the burden and responsibility of the practitioner per se, to bring about the desired result. It is truly not on your shoulders. It is the divine realm’s burden. So if the Almighty is not erratic in its perspectives, perceptions, sensitivity to human suffering, and desire to be available for assistance, one must look elsewhere for the answer to your questions. And indeed the difficulty here is the fact that most healing needs are extremely complex and the circumstances quite difficult to overturn because of the tremendous backlog of unhealed karmic predisposing traumas and the fact that once something reaches the symptomatic stage there have been many things, in most cases, conspiring to light the fire, so to speak, and putting it out will represent quite a large healing burden to take care of the many interconnecting threads and sequences of events that create the perfect storm underlying an illness. That not only takes time, it may not be fully feasible even with the length left a person might enjoy for the entirety of their current incarnation. We have explained previously that even with an army of practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol working away, that the healing of humanity will take two generations to accomplish. While some of that is the slowness in getting people to sign up and sign on, with your outreach being to any and all at the present time going forward without really their needing to know they are receiving healing because it is gifted for them and worked on by the divine realm behind the scenes with their higher selves giving permission in most cases—so this shows the size of the problem. So to expect an overnight solution to result a significant percentage of the time is even unrealistic. It will be occasional and not anywhere close to a typical immediate result. We can tell you that despite lack of changes in the symptoms of an issue, there will be many things improved and, in fact, great strides can be made for many healing needs and one of the factors here is not everything that is worked on is visible yet to the client. It is typical that in a given session there will be many potential problems nipped in the bud, so to speak, by doing the Protocol and will prevent a serious situation from developing entirely. This is a home run, it is a tremendous benefit for the client, but will go unheralded because the client does not have any picture about what their future holds and will not be any the wiser if they fail to develop a debilitating illness that ends their life years earlier than average when they are still a younger person and have no signs or symptoms of such a condition yet. But still the Protocol work that has been launched may well prevent one or even more chronic conditions of that kind from developing in an individual and yet leave unchanged a career issue, a relationship issue, or indeed a health issue of some kind that might be completely unrelated to the later things that will prove fatal. The size of the problem does have some relation to the speed at which healing is likely. So a serious condition may be built on a larger series of dilemmas and thereby require a lengthier and more comprehensive healing effort over a great span of time. This is not always the case but is true more than half the time. That is simply common sense and most people would agree that this is understandable and consistent with even the mainstream view of things and this is well precedented from natural healing itself that the acute disorders will resolve on their own for the most part, but those illnesses known to be chronic in nature one expects will be much more difficult to manage. And to help a person change enough things so that it goes into a state of quiescence with regard to symptoms so that a person is unencumbered even though the potential is there for it to flare back up again, and may well do so from time to time, and the best one can do is a series of ups and downs or, in some cases, maintaining a symptom free existence by changing enough things to reduce the potential to be expressed below a threshold level, but yet the predisposing conditions may well remain and any lapse in good maintenance of the state of well-being will stir the problem up again. So there are many scenarios for any given individual that can govern what will happen with a Protocol session done for them but the reality is most people will require many, many sessions in order to begin to improve for the deep chronic problems most people experience. Just looking at symptoms tells you little about where they come from and how great and how deep the roots are leading back to the very beginning origins of the problem. There are typically many, many interrelated factors that add together and constitute a sufficient negative stimulus to get something physically apparent started and reaching a symptomatic stage. There will need to be correspondingly a concerted healing effort over a great span of time equal in magnitude to the many events, times, and places when things went wrong for the person’s life and those negative energies eventually reaching a critical mass that sets things in motion to undermine the physical body in the current incarnation. We have said before that the symptoms of illness are the last thing to go and all the span of time prior to that eventual reward will need to have healing done again, and again, and again, in most cases, during all of which time very little gain, if any, will be noticeable. This is simply the nature of the energetic phenomena you are dealing with and how illness operates. This is not a failing of the practitioners or the Protocol, it is simply the reality of illness, its complexity, and its challenges. To be a successful practitioner does not require nerves of steel or a level of insensitivity to put up with disappointment although one must be strong and dispassionate and not vulnerable to finding fault with the self should things not go in the desired direction soon enough to their liking. This will happen, again and again, and must be taken in stride knowing you can only do so much. The key is to get the healing launched and many times a positive benefit will result after a considerable lag period by which time the person will never make the association that the Protocol work had anything to do with it because people simply do not understand this and will not be creative in interpreting their good fortune and give credit where it is due. And, as we said, in many, many instances, there will not be change for the entire span of the remaining life but will come subsequently in the next incarnation. There is no way to measure this because there is no comparison available to use as a yardstick. There is not a concurrent control running side-by-side showing the life that would result from not doing the Protocol at all. When people show a lack of improvement, no one makes the assumption that the fact it may not be worsening is a significant and perhaps a magnificent outcome under circumstances that might well go in the other direction, and fairly rapidly in some cases, meaning that the Protocol was done just in time to prevent a downward spiral from commencing after a long build-up. So you truly will never know exactly what an outcome, or lack of outcome, might be for a given individual because there is no meaningful control. That is why the control clinical trials used for medications involve large groups of individuals with measurements made before, and then during, and after the treatment so that there can be some basis for comparing the average change, or lack of change, in useful readouts as a way of making some judgment about whether there was a beneficial effect, no effect, or even a worsening as sometimes happens. In addition to the reality that a great span of time, even with divine help, might be required to produce a visible benefit in many instances, there will be two categories of considerable size of client situations that will represent their being refractory to treatment even by Creator. The first cohort is people who have embraced the negativity they have experienced for enough length of time they have developed strong inner convictions and firm beliefs held deeply within their mind that nothing will change, that they have an impossible situation. There can be many negative beliefs about the Almighty, extreme doubt in its reality. There can even be resentment and grudges against the Almighty that are a disinvitation to bring anything their way including healing. It is not that this is a conscious decision, it is simply that they have given up on God and when that happens, God has to stand aside. You will not know this looking at a person nor will they be able to tell you because this is largely beliefs within the subconscious, and even the very deep subconscious, we are talking about here. So unless that is explored and ferreted out, which may not even be possible if it’s a very, very deep level where the beliefs are housed, you may well be working with a client who the divine simply cannot do healing for at least with regard to some central issues and this may well include their chief complaint. The other cohort of intractable clients represents the many people who have a karmic lesson underway, who have a karmic obligation to experience negativity because they have experienced it before in other times and places and were not able to heal what set that in motion and are vulnerable yet again to the same karmic influences, and it will recapitulate as a re-echoing in a new incarnation very frequently. So people may have a series of lifetimes with a similar illness popping up, again and again, even within the same year of life, in some instances, that is potentially how precise karma can operate to bring back around a dilemma forcing the person to pay attention to a rebalancing need that was set in motion long ago perhaps. If there is a karmic obligation because the person has been a perpetrator to harm another individual, there may well be a need for them to have a taste of their own medicine, so to speak, and undergo a comparable tragedy or series of inconveniences, losses, painful moments, etc., as a way of rebalancing the harm they caused another person. These things are not necessarily a lifelong sentence. At some point, it is often possible for a divine intervention to curtail the lesson and limit it to time served and free the person from ongoing torment, but this will be a variable so there might be a compelling karmic need to leave something in place undisturbed for some time longer. So, in that instance, it may be that healing will be delayed for a considerable period but then will commence and, again, should that happen, the recipient of the healing will likely never associate it with a Protocol session that was done for them long, long before, especially because they will have probably tried many other things in the interim, and will attribute the healing to what was done the closest in proximity to when symptoms eased and assume that is what did the trick finally. So the bottom line here for this practitioner is to hang in there and realize they are in an extremely difficult arena doing the most complicated and difficult of tasks with respect to the end result desired, but their part in the process is a simple and direct one. To carry out with distinction, they simply have to be committed, be willing, have their heart in the right place, and a sufficient belief quotient in the possibility of the divine helping their client, and belief in themselves as worthy of being a participant in a healing circuit for their client to receive the benefits they request. Those are the basic essential ingredients. The rest is outside the hands and belief system of the practitioner, their knowledge base, and so forth. Too great a lack of confidence in any of these respects speaks to the need for healing to be done for the practitioner to shore things up, whatever might be a weakness. This can be done with prayer work as well as work with the Protocol itself but it is typical for all practitioners to be uneasy in the beginning and to be doubtful in the beginning. This is true of every new undertaking by human beings and is factored into what the divine realm is willing to do to apply divine grace to help them get their work going and ultimately feel and be successful.