DWQA QuestionsCategory: Higher SelfCan Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can both enable us to trust and distrust more accurately, as well as heal the reasons others automatically distrust us for seemingly no reason at all?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
When discernment is lacking there can be a distortion of perception to make people automatically distrustful of others, or through great damage to self-esteem and feelings of worthiness, people, in effect, surrender themselves to others come what may in a perpetual state of victimhood, so they are simply not even responding to normal actions to gauge trustworthiness from moment to moment in their daily interactions with others, but simply expect the worst and may even bring it on themselves through attracting perpetrators. In such circumstances, there is a tremendous healing need on display and that is the tremendous blessing represented by the Lightworker Healing Protocol, that it can bring to bear powerful divine resources to conduct an ongoing campaign of deep karmic repair and healing for all manner of predisposing difficulties, liabilities, and limitations within the makeup of a person as a consequence of many lives lived where difficulties were encountered and much suffering and failure ensued, so people came away learning the wrong lessons about life, more about what not to do than what to do—that is insufficient preparation for a new incarnation. People will arrive on the scene as an infant in a state of incompletion and hampered and hindered again and again by the old energies of dishevelment, negativity, and low expectations and this will prime them for failure in the new lifetime. They will have much less to draw on as a way of gaining strength and expansion to grow tall and strong with confidence and self-assurance. It is amazing if you dissect the inner workings of personal interactions in how the choices people make which determine their fate in life are a consequence of trust issues as a common denominator; it is an energetic assessment not only with great meaning but of great consequence because they will govern what happens. People can build a prison to live within from lack of trust in themselves let alone lack of trust in others. Lack of trust in the self is the quickest road to failure in life because it will disempower the individual on multiple levels and has the potential to even bring about an early death when taken to an extreme. When people are not comfortable being in their own skin they may well choose to leave, and that choice to leave might be honored and they may simply leave the body which will die on its own in the absence of the consciousness that brings the life force energy to animate the physical body itself. Everyone has karmic baggage so everyone has a level of risk. Old business will be reawakened and this will be a drain, an energy sink that takes away from happiness, makes life harder, slows down progress, and puts the person always at greater risk of other things happening that might pile on and worsen things, and lead to even a downward spiral that worsens over time and eventually becomes a fatal outcome from so much damage beyond the ability of the person to cope. People need help many times during their life. If they are partnering with the divine, that help can be brought to bear quickly and help people truly recover, regain their equilibrium, and eventually move on an upward path once again. This can be lifesaving and certainly will be a path to happiness that otherwise might be prevented altogether from too much inner negativity, whether largely a consequence of the manipulations of others or primarily a self-inflicted state of depletion. Regardless of the origin of the negativity and its individual components, with it usually being the case that it is a mix of influences causing a particular dilemma, the Lightworker Healing Protocol is up to the challenge, and is set up to be comprehensive to address virtually any source of negativity by removing it, limiting its consequences, readjusting things to compensate, healing the effects, or a combination. Whether it will be effective, then becomes the responsibility of the divine realm to answer the many requests for the comprehensive reckoning and rejuvenation and restoration of the being to a state of inner balance. This is always done in conjunction with the permission of the higher self and due regard for the imperatives coming from the Law of Karma to honor, in some cases, struggles that mandate a period of personal suffering as a learning opportunity, whereas other things might be healed quite quickly and other things deemed "healable" but due to their complexity and the intensity of the wounding might require a lengthy period of time to undo all the contributing threads that contribute energetically to an ongoing dilemma. But these needs and the maneuvers needed to set things right cannot be done by humans themselves; you lack the working knowledge as well as the energetics to bring about that level of healing. Even though you have innate ability to deploy healing energy yourselves, the problems most people have are greater than the level of healing they can bring to bear personally—most need outside help and from the divine realm. This can ideally be done through enlisting other humans to be your advocate so that divine energies are brought to bear but through an adequate level of requests from the human side that are supported by belief in the divine and belief in the worthiness of the intended recipient of the healing. Here is where many people fall short in attempting to get divine help through prayer, they may not believe fully in the divine any longer because of a life of hardship and disappointment that has eroded their faith. Most have misgivings about their own worthiness and their own power to bring about a change of some kind, especially when the suffering is severe. People believe strongly in their infirmities; it is deeply grooved in and not easy to surrender even to allow a miracle to unfold. This is a limiting factor in what the divine can do oftentimes. Bringing in a human advocate applying the Lightworker Healing Protocol on your behalf means that it will be two asking for help for you and not just you alone, and it will be someone with a high level of belief in the divine and no prejudice about your worthiness, and simply having a strong desire for you to benefit provides that inner conviction about you as a person to bring the level of intention that can support a successful divine healing. That is the beauty and miracle of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, that it can make up for the shortcomings that keep people trapped, and allow a miracle to happen. This again is reason to take life seriously and to heed the lessons you learn with our dialogues together. The more you understand and appreciate the true meaning of free agency and free will, and see your personal responsibility to be a part of everything that happens to you, the more you can enlist divine help in an effective way and right the wrongs of history, and make your life a joy rather than a sorrow.