DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA viewer asks: “My email is concerning my dad. I would like to know if you can ask about his biological parents. He is 80 years old and has a lot of stress and his mind seems to be very bothered by his current situation. Can you see or ask what is the root cause of these issues he’s having? Is it his caretaker? Should we pursue finding his biological parents? More than likely they are passed over but maybe a soul rescue is needed?” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The problems he is having are the difficulties he faces within his own deep subconscious. This is something he cannot articulate consciously because it is inner turmoil below conscious awareness entirely. He does have stresses from the environment from time to time—that is a typical human dilemma unless the environment is truly ideal. There is no substitute for loved ones being present, and even then there can be points of friction and even representing a worse environment than a neutral individual as a caretaker, who is conscientious, who might do an even better job. So we do not wish to judge anyone unduly here with pronouncements from on high, but you can relax that the individual he deals with is not a major problem for him. It is an internal misalignment that is being brought about through a combination of karmic history, and at times when he has spirit attachments present who fan the flames, that karmic struggle has not died out because it was never fully repaired when the events in question took place. This is how karma seeks an answer in the way of a repair, a compensation to settle things and rebalance the energies and sometimes this is a negative influence, and can be even a devastating one and represent a karmic payback for harm done to the self or others, or it can be due to harm that is self-inflicted or done by others in the past, but either way, the Law of Karma will see to it that the person gets a reminder. So even very late in life, karma will rumble. You are never done even when you leave the earth plane because the karma awaiting healing will remain on record and will come around again when you are back in the physical in a new life, so this is simply the consequence of having so many things get stirred up in the course of his life. The end‑stage is sometimes the hardest a person has to face. It triggers many inner regrets and worries looking forward to the inevitable passing away with trepidation, in many cases, and sometimes with tremendous fear that is never articulated to outsiders but becomes a major issue for the mind to grapple with. So we do not want to talk about his personal circumstances in detail as there is no need to have that on display for anyone else, but to know that there is a healing need is the key. This can be assisted with further healing done on his behalf remotely through a clearing session with the Lightworker Healing Protocol. It will amplify healing underway already as it is designed to integrate with everything done previously, including divine grace bestowed through prior prayers on his behalf, and so on—that is what he needs at this point in time to help him right the ship. Finding the parents is not essential to help him with his struggles. There is, indeed, work to be done with Spirit Rescue, so that can be arranged with your channel to happen as well, but that is not perturbing him directly although it would be a blessing for him and others with a link to those individuals. He is part of a human soul collective, as are you, so anyone associated with a family group has deep connections and deep caring for others in their collective, so it is a blessing always when one can do a broader outreach to help others in their close inner circle who are interconnected through the ancestral lineage and not simply coming together through marriage, although many times those who find life partners are drawing on members of their soul collective who are stepping up to be of service as a companion. So we would see this as a separate issue but a need that can be filled by requests from the human side you are in a position to offer.