DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “How many Anunnaki psychics are nefariously influencing humanity, and how critical is their healing in this tug of war? I regularly do Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions on their behalf as they appear to be a significant player in the dilemma we face. Also, how motivated are these psychics in their work on humanity, and are they a potential weakness in the Extraterrestrial Alliance’s negative influence on humanity?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We cannot give too many specific details here because we do not wish to put anyone in extra jeopardy, and that includes members of the Extraterrestrial Alliance as well. The more specific you probe into individual strategies and potential target groups responsible for specific manipulations and outcomes, the more it puts the focus on our perspective of them and might signal a reason for a reprisal or for some negative response that would serve as a greater obstacle to human need, unnecessarily. So, in general, what we can tell you is that these beings are all individuals and, as such, represent an array of the level of resolve they have about their place in things and the enterprise of which they are a part, so as a group are not necessarily more or less amenable to healing efforts than any other. The outstanding quality needed for them to be effective and holding their current assignments is mostly one of greater patience, but also a high degree of desire to manipulate, to be conniving, as they are, in effect, professional liars, all of them. So it is not necessarily the case that the fact they pay such close attention personally to the thinking and activities of humans means that you will rub off on them and gain sympathy, but any extraterrestrial, at any level, needs attention because it is the collective energies that will make the difference here, and why the enterprise needs attention from the top-down as well as the bottom-up in the rank and file. Anything you contribute with your own personal requests is of value.