DWQA QuestionsCategory: High Level Psychic Attacks, CursesShe was referred by an LHP practitioner who wasn’t able to help her quickly, and really wanted her to have a session with me. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
It is not critical you do the sessions personally. Someone who is highly experienced is in the best position to handle a situation like this, with confidence in standing strong and not harboring any doubts. So whoever meets those criteria will do equally well. The key here is doing repeat sessions and to keep them going. We cannot give a date certain for reaching a turning point. You are going against the free will of powerful and determined individuals who do have free will privileges even though they are abusing them, in principle, by causing harm. But as you know, unfortunately, the criminals will have to be allowed to do their thing just as any human activity is a free will choice that cannot be opposed directly by the divine realm unless there is a request for that to happen. But even with such a request, we have to work indirectly and not countermand these efforts of the attackers to get the best of her. We must work indirectly and take advantage of opportunities to redirect their focus and attention and work to counter the energy to a degree that will leave them satisfied but not so markedly that they notice something getting in the way, and then work more determinedly and more powerfully, to make the attacks worse and that creates an extra danger. That is something that needs to be avoided if at all possible, to make the speed of healing lag the timing of attacks and their intensity. We have helped many clients in this kind of dilemma and it takes some time. If the client can stand strong under such circumstances and keep the faith, that helps as well, because that allows more divine support to happen. So your intention to add some independent work will only help the cause here, but there is not a need for a massive effort, as that would likely backfire. We need to work in a slow and steady fashion for this kind of situation. It is not ideal, but we have fewer options to choose among with a situation like this unfolding.