DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “Launching an LHP session by the higher self of every being in the galaxy that listens to music, across timelines, at EVERY single note change that causes a shift in emotion/intention (whether positive or negative), and concentrating the healing energy unleashed from the music across the ages towards the interlopers within the most critical timeline for preventing humanity’s annihilation.” Would this request be advantageous?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
This can be requested and will be taken seriously and practiced by the divine realm. We cannot play favorites in choosing among individuals for divine attention, we must serve all equally. But that does not mean humans cannot designate an order of events to their benefit and choosing to select some for extra attention and to be given a priority. This is what we do for your clients each time you launch an LHP session, to put them first in line. So this would be allowable. It would not limit healing going to all, everywhere, but it would impart some additional intention as fuel.