DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA practitioner asks: “Have you thought of the fact that with the new provisions in the Lightworker Healing Protocol to have LHP sessions conducted by the higher selves in response to many varied client intentions and even feelings, those people who have been harping on wanting to code the LHP now can just use any prayer request, including a coded one, I presume, to generate an LHP? Is that a kind of work-around for them if they should choose it? Or for that matter, they can just send someone an emoji!? This is quite amusing to me.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
We would simply turn the question around and ask, does the LHP practitioner want to be an LHP practitioner or only someone saying prayers, making entreaties to the higher self, and not be a healer themselves, personally? That is the question. If you want to be a healer and part of the generation of meaningful LHP and DSMR session work, you need to do the sessions. And it is important, as we have said all along, for the quorum to have as many participants generating sessions as possible. While you are now leveraging your efforts to incorporate huge numbers of healing sessions done by higher selves of all physical beings, in addition to those in the light, to do sessions in parallel, the most important practitioners are those among you in the physical. The LHP and DSMR practitioners are setting the standard through their requests and serving as an example in the yearnings of you and your fellow practitioners, in wanting fervently for divine rescue and the saving and healing of humanity and the interlopers as well, if that is what it takes to achieve enough healing for Ascension to take place. You are under the gun and the fate of you, the world, and many worlds beyond yours in the Milky Way Galaxy, and then on to the entirety of the Universe having an opportunity to expand tremendously, is contingent on whether you can solve the problem of evil on your watch to validate Creator's plan for you and the rest of the Universe. Do you want to leave that entire gigantic future up to others, or give it your all, directly, as a practitioner? Keep in mind that even though you are requesting the generation of many healing sessions with both protocols using relatively small triggers from the human side, like saying a prayer, giving it a codeword, and then assuming that because that is a prayer and the LHP asked for all prayers to trigger an LHP and DSMR session by the higher self, that is all that they need to do, is under-selling their potential role and influence in things by making a small gesture on their part and expecting a much larger one to be added by the divine realm at their behest. And while that would technically be correct, it would mean an absence of significant further intention on their part that would be added by them doing an LHP session and a new DSMR session from scratch, as often as they possibly can. The greatest intention is the intention coming from humans in the physical who know what is at stake and are fully informed about all that is going on, and why all the work they can do is needed, to change the future of everything for the better. The pooling of intentions is as much to guarantee the full execution of the LHP with regard to each and every one of its component steps, and not as the sum total of all the intention to be put into each step of the protocol to provide sufficient fuel for the healing. So there is a pooling of intention of a variety of sorts, some serving as a kind of secondary trigger to have healing work done, such as using an emoji in an online communication, or having an emotion about something or an intention for something to happen in their lives, or feeling a strong dislike of someone and displaying a source of negativity, for example. Those are useful energetic intentions. They can be used because you are requesting this to happen as triggers for healing work with both LHP and DSMR protocols. But those intentions, while capable of having enough energy, especially when pooled, to launch LHPs, do not contain within them the intention for profound healing to be done. That must come from human healers who are holding healing intentions, and that is the second component when the higher self sets to work doing all of these additional LHP and DSMR sessions, and then repeating them over and over and over again. They will be using human intention for healing to happen, in particular, the most significant and useful being the intention of practitioners of those protocols who understand what is at stake, the workings of divine healing, the reason for each and every step of the protocols to be carried out, and hold within, a strong intention for suitable healing to be done by the divine realm to meet each and every need in the range and reach of those protocols. Such healing requests are not contained in idle thoughts and even strong severe suffering and the emotional fallout. While strong intentions can be used by the higher selves as a trigger for a healing response, that cannot be fully informed by those experiencing those sensations and feelings as physical beings. All of the negative stimuli and responses are transmuted to a positive vibration to be employed in the healing, but that is not as useful as the human intention of human healers. This is a complex discussion and a kind of nuance but an important one, and has to do with the nature of consciousness and the frequencies it operates within, with respect to reflecting information content and desire of the soul in response to the soul attributes on display. When human intentions arise, what makes them powerful and useful as fuel for healing is that they are being generated by attributes of the soul of that physical being, not an intellectual notion but a divine energy of a particular kind. So when the translation is done by Creator, it will more than likely be a more generic form and somewhat lacking in the specifics that could be generated by a human healer compared to a human being and their raw intentions being repurposed. We understand this is difficult to understand, to interpret in quantitative terms, to appreciate the differences fully. But the important take-home message we have here is, we do not want to see anyone quit, we do not to want to see anyone slow down among those doing human healing sessions with the protocols. You are greatly needed in all your efforts you can muster. This is as important for your personal benefit as well as the benefit of others.