DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaA 2018 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a continuing decline in U.S. birthrate to a 30-year low, and a decline in fertility below replacement level. What are the causes of this?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
There are multiple causes. Some are changes in society itself, economically, to discourage starting families or having them grow beyond certain size for economic reasons. There are, as well, changes in the planning of the individuals incarnated at the present time. There is an awareness coming into life of the impending confrontation between extraterrestrials and human and people are not desiring the pain of having to tend to infants and small children in the midst of a potential horror show of destruction. This is in deep awareness of many people among the newer generations. In addition, there is suppression by the Extraterrestrial Alliance itself to reduce the human population by manipulating things energetically to reduce fertility. They are reducing testosterone levels in males, reducing sperm count, and fertility in females and working bit by bit to worsen things and will increase this further as long as there is no hue and cry from the public. If people accept the trend as being business as usual and inevitable and do not raise an alarm, they will continue or accelerate this. They will find convenient cover stories and will marshal scientist proponents to lend an air of credibility, as was done with the dramatic increase in autism being blamed on vaccination and causing quite a stir and a flurry of research efforts, all of which serve to make people once again complacent thinking that the authorities were on the job and would ultimately find answers. So, people return to their lives, and it took their minds off things to believe someone was handling the problem. This is how they proceed, by creating a flurry of seeming responses that will get to the bottom of a problem and then time goes by and the answers prove to not be satisfactory but, by then, interest may have waned, or there may be a repeated cycle of such false starts and misdirected research effort that dead-ends and, in this way, human progress limps along and, in some respects, things are moving backward rather than forward.