DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingA client asks about his daughter: “Me and my wife have been praying since last year when the gender issues started that she identifies as a female, and it’s been okay for a long time but recently, she started using she/they pronouns and it has us worried again. Can you do a subconscious channeling again for gender identity issue when you can and maybe find out from Creator what’s happening again and why it’s reoccurred and how concerned should we be again with this. It really scares us because I thought we were over this and it’s hit us hard again. I haven’t spoken to her about it and I’m a bit worried again.”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Doing a recheck session and working to reinforce continued repair of any gender-related concerns within her being is a good idea. She has been influenced by the cultural shifts in promoting gender as an open question more so than ever before, as well as the approval and promotion of the concept of gender reassignment being quite natural and a likely way to become happier and more satisfied with life, if one's gender confusion underlies inner struggle and anxiety. The reality is, young people are not fully equipped to make such a judgment about themselves. Their stability and inner wisdom develops over time as a product of maturation through life experience. Along the way, there will be speed-bumps, obstacles, times of tension, doubt, and fear, all of which will serve them because it helps to strengthen and motivate to find better explanations for things and deeper understanding of what is real and what might not be, and to fully come to grips with who they are and their potential for doing all kinds of things. Many young people have dreams of greatness, dreams of high-level capability and performance as being an Olympic athlete or a rockstar, for example, when their natural talent in no way endows them with such potential. So it is the yearning of the soul being, encountering the limitations of the physical makeup of the moment, where people are greatly constrained by their container. And many qualities that might be poorly expressed for the current incarnation, through no fault of their own, other than perhaps karmic liabilities owing to past difficulties that were not reckoned with and healed and are playing out once again in bringing around challenges to the happiness and well-being. We do not see serious problems here, but this will be a useful addition to the healing efforts as she is still going through this difficult period of adolescence and it will serve her to come out the other side with inner strength and stability with respect to her self-image and her self-esteem.