DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersA client wrote: “My daughter started feeling sick on the subway. She got to work and was super sweaty and pale. Then proceeded to vomit. Is this all related? I think we should do another session.” Is this an example of what you told us in a prior channeling, that digestive system symptoms can accompany removal of chronic virus infections? At the time, it seemed your remark was meant as a general description of possibilities, but were you revealing that also because you foresaw it happening to this client, who I had been asking you about?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
Both of your questions and intuitive perceptions are correct. We were speaking both in general and foreseeing she would have some difficulty along these lines as the healing progressed. This is akin to other, sometimes disquieting, symptoms people feel in the aftermath of a significant cleansing. It is a common detox reaction that has been noted by many alternative healers over the years and is very much a real phenomenon. Even traditional medicine knows that sometimes displacing toxins from fat stores, to re-enter the circulation for elimination in the excretions, causes other body cells to get exposed. And there may be an abreaction to the cleansing because it is, to a small degree at least, a revisiting of the exposure to the noxious materials in the first place, and sometimes at much higher levels. This is because the slow accumulation of stored toxins, when released all at once, can have an impact on the body that is felt through symptoms of various kinds. That was the case here, that your client with acne is in the process of eliminating both noxious materials, as well as rebalancing stored negativity, and this release into the system of noxious products will produce, at times, a revisiting of prior symptoms or even new ones depending on where these materials might stray, and then be perceived locally and set off alarm signals in the way of symptoms. So this is more the continued elimination of virus particles and products and remnants than cellular memory of their presence. But it is the case both things are going on because both are part of the entire package to help restore normalcy. This will not be serious in terms of danger, but is a discomfort and inconvenience to be sure.