DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsA concern with placing an inordinate focus on “systemic racism,” is that it presents a problem too big for the individual just trying to make their way through life to solve. It complicates things further in encouraging a belief that one’s individual success in life, is wholly handicapped by those of another race. Can Creator comment on whether this side effect is of concern and what the actual impact is in potentially disempowering individuals of color?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a real concern and a real issue as well. Most people are willing to get along and will not raise any questions about another person who differs from themselves. Everyone growing up is exposed to prejudiced thinking about members of an opposite racial makeup. People will be alarmed when the differences between races become magnified and a reason to disparage people wholesale because of their racial heritage, and to assume the worst potential outcome in situations and relationships in dealing with members of another race. This has been a problem many times where an initial hesitation that automatically is accompanied with distancing to avoid potential conflict relaxes a bit and people begin to intermingle and interrelate, and then a deeper involvement takes place, and when there becomes a growing interdependency of differing racial groups, that is when racist ideas may come to the foreground and be a bone of contention to undermine many pre-existing alignments so they will follow racial lines and former friendships might be damaged irreparably as a consequence. Any kind of friction leading to disenchantment undermines future possibilities of getting along, sharing resources, helping one another in ways to economize and streamline making improvements and forward progress in advancing society on multiple levels. The reality is that racial tensions are unnatural. They are orchestrated to happen by producing circumstances that will conflict with inner feelings of prejudice about appropriateness and safety of differing racial groups congregating, interacting freely, and entering into competition, whether with sporting events or other contests of some kind. This is risky given that people are being pushed into finding ways to find fault and to ramp up conflicts and areas of disagreement that leave people unhappy and blaming representatives of another race for what has happened. There are many situations where feelings are inflamed and circumstances exaggerated to perceive damage being done, people taken for granted or neglected in some way, and so on, which may be blamed on the racial makeup of those involved. Such events are typically orchestrated to happen and will add to ongoing tensions and may serve as a catalyst for a worsening of things.