DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsA practitioner asks: “What is Creator’s definition of Light? As a practitioner of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, will Creator enlighten us as to exactly what He means by the ‘Light’ to ensure that we are all ‘singing from the same hymn sheet,’ so to speak. Is it a place or a state-of-mind? Are there different levels of light? Are there different types of light as there are on planet earth which covers a wide-range of wavelengths/particles? Can the human eye see this divine light?” What is most important for us to know?
Nicola Staff asked 10 months ago
In a sense, this question is akin to the conundrum of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. People vary greatly in their inner sensibilities and their reaction to what their senses show them. Some may be moved to tears and truly overwhelmed by a beautiful sunset, while others do not see the point of simply looking at the sun, for any reason, as an activity. We have pointed out before, that nature is not only bountiful, but beautiful, because that was intentional. An eye for beauty within the human spirit, is divine, and its diminution the product of a corrupting influence of some kind to reduce the soul's capability to appreciate divinity in its many forms. The concept of light representing the divine or divine attributes and activities is a highly meaningful and useful realization. Because light is energetic, like the will of the divine, it exerts its influence instantly, or at least on the human level appears so, and that appears godlike. It also illuminates, and nothing better characterizes the role of the divine in human experience as working from a distance, and behind the scenes in an elusive and sometimes symbolic way that has been characterized as light-oriented or light-generated. This is perhaps best illustrated by the goal of enlightenment many seek, which is the gaining of divine alignment, to come into alignment with the light. In providing these examples, we are wanting to show you that the concept, as you define it and want a further tutorial, is largely a metaphorical description. The workings of the divine do not proceed through visible light and its wavelengths, other than as sometimes an accompanying phenomenon to the appearance of a divine being or emissary witnessed visually, or felt kinesthetically but seen as well in the mind's eye as a visual manifestation, as in seeing the aura around the mental image of a person, and so on. As such, these forms of light are not light at all but a type of consciousness. As with light having many wavelengths across a large electromagnetic spectrum, consciousness has many gradations and flavors representing its origin and composition with respect to information content and intentions. Being invisible, and something so ephemeral that it is not even fully recognized by science as being real, having light as a stand-in for divine energy is an elegant metaphor that is quite useful in describing and understanding the workings of divine consciousness as a force that goes places and helps things to come about, and it often leads to a resolution and change of something for the better. We will stop here, because to fully understand the light, and its meaning as a stand-in, would mean we must explain our existence and potential, and all of the potential consequences of our creations, and that is not possible to do in answer to a single question.