DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersA practitioner had a vision about transmuting “loosh” so it becomes a healing substance even capable of raising up the spirit meddlers. Is that possible and something new we could pursue with the Lightworker Healing Protocol?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This, in effect, is a built-in aspect of the Lightworker Healing Protocol process itself, because all of the healing steps are designed to reconfigure you energetically and attend to deficiencies of many kinds, and to deal with the consequences of all that has become corrupted and is not functioning optimally. And that would include being in a chronic state of emotional disarray, with misguided thinking, negative self-limiting beliefs keeping you trapped and suffering from worry and fear, and so on. So this is another way of seeing intuitively, that the dilemma of harboring dark thoughts and feelings makes you a target for spirit meddler attachment and will enable them to thrive. So he is seeing that interplay and reasoning, accordingly, that dealing with the loosh energy directly, could be a powerful way to rein them in, reduce their effectiveness, perhaps encourage them to leave, or be a way of effecting a therapeutic benefit to transform their regular diet into something that is truly uplifting them in some way rather than allowing them to perpetuate their evil with vigor. That is a nice theory and is a kind of symbolic way of seeing what is needed, and it is correct that the spirit meddlers need to be raised up to solve the problem. But attempting to do that through energy at a local level is applying an end-stage recalibration of the energies at work, when the problem is much, much deeper and of a karmic nature, going all the way back to their fall from grace eons ago and everything happening since. This is why it is a divine-level problem, even more so than for human beings, to reckon with their energetic disarray and the self-destructive path they pursue. So this request alone will not be of substantial long-lasting benefit. In effect, it makes the host a less compatible environment for spirit meddler attachments by raising inner frequency through the transmutation of negativity, but that is not a cure for having spirit attachments and, in fact, it would have an immediate causal influence to make them attack their host savagely, to drag down their vibration once again so they can continue siphoning off this loosh energy for their selfish support and enjoyment. This is why the best strategy by far, is for the immediate removal of the spirit meddlers, to have them rounded up by the divine realm and taken away to go into a rehabilitation program so they can begin to see the possibility of a better existence. And in the meantime, the human hosts are freed from the danger of having them on board and that is a blessing, if only the first step in a long process to enable an eventual recovery and elimination of evil altogether.