DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner writes: “My Facebook account was hacked and locked out also our business page and ads, and Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions were launched by myself and others on GetWisdom forums. Strangely, I had 3 failed meetings for Facebook back 9 days earlier, which had never happened before, but allowed me to have an email from one of the staff which gave his name, which turned out to be the saving grace. That allowed me to contact and have someone push my case to be heard and even resulted in a successful refund in the ongoing appeal to restore my account. It is my belief that the case of the “3 strange failed meetings” was a beautiful example of the divine working in the past to answer a Lightworker Healing Protocol launched for a present-time problem for me and a future healing of problems for others with the launch of a new division at Facebook.” Is he correct?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
You were informed accurately about the importance of your healing request to address this dilemma. As you are painfully aware, given the power of social media for networking and enabling businesses to thrive by its advent, to reach so many and keep communication possible, the downside is if something breaks, a business can go under unless things are corrected. Given the vulnerability to manipulation from hackers, this puts everyone at risk. It is an ethical and karmic responsibility in providing such a platform to the users to have a system in place to deal with sources of interference and corruption, particularly, to be sensitive to individual needs. Your intuitive message that the prior failed meetings happened and were connected somehow to the subsequent loss of service and being able to correct it, was spot on because that, indeed, was used by the divine realm as an avenue to achieve a more specific personal communication with an individual at Facebook who was able to address your needs personally. That would normally be seen as sheer luck, but in this case was the answer to a prayer and a high-powered healing request to the divine, and was instrumental not only in helping to reestablish your business services and presence on their platform, but the advent of a new customer service capability to help with others faced with such problems in the future. So your temporary misfortune has been a catalyst for change that will improve the lives of many, many, others, including this Internet platform in meeting their obligations to their customers more effectively. This is a shining example of the power of divine partnership to make a material difference working through others to help someone in need reaching out for divine assistance.