DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner writes: “This morning during my LHP, somewhere around the third paragraph, it occurred to me to stop and say the following: ‘God, together let’s forgive everybody and everything that’s ever hurt me. Together let’s forgive me for hurting other beings and together let’s forgive me – I forgive myself for hurting/ harming myself. I forgive all other beings that have harmed me. Let’s do this together, so we can ALL be free.’ I started hearing so many voices coming from different directions but not voices in the room I could hear them coming from different directions but not with my ears, I was hearing with something else. Partial sentences, so they’re meaningless. I can’t tell what is being said. I’m aware there’s some horrible, horrible stuff that’s gone on out there … Do I really forgive? Unless there is divinely intervened healing, I suspect my deep subconscious isn’t going to be as willing to forgive and forget just because I say so … OR IS IT? Is forgiveness implied in the LHP when we use the words ‘heal,’ ‘healing,’ or ‘transmute?'”
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Forgiveness is a divine act, that is why it is stressed in the Scriptures and can be a healing maneuver in its own right, by helping people shift their focus away from an adversary and the wrongdoing burdens they have been subjected to, and essentially let go of the lingering pain it caused. But that is only a first step towards true and deep healing. It addresses a common impediment, even for receiving divine intervention on one's behalf. When people are locked in combat with a perpetrator because of the unfairness in being maligned, undermined, or assaulted, for example, they essentially are making a pact with the devil, so to speak, creating an intention for there to be a struggle. Because of free agency and free will, the rules say we cannot intrude to intervene on such a human choice, even though it is ill-advised and harmful to both parties. So there are two ways to break the impasse. One is through some preparatory healing to raise the vibration of the victim enough they are willing to forgive and forget, at least provisionally. That will allow greater divine healing to fill in the gaps. The other way, is for healing to be done across timelines for the underlying factors bringing that problem into being in the first place, in a sense, undoing it starting from the back end. In that case, what is taking place is application of divine grace to work on a person's behalf to do what they, themselves, cannot, including even that first step of wanting to let go and be free of the inner conflict they are caught up in. There are many people who spend a good part of each and every day agonizing over harmful events done to them by perpetrators, and replaying the scenes over and over again, and feeling the gut-wrenching pain and suffering of a seemingly endless torment, not realizing they are perpetuating the existence of that very torment that could be dispensed with through healing in the context of the Lightworker Healing Protocol. We would say that all of those references, the words "heal," "healing," and "transmute," address the deep need for karmic repair of underlying trauma events, regardless of who is perpetrator and victim, as all involved need healing to fully set things right. The LHP can handle that broad-based agenda and depth required to fully rectify karmic dilemmas of all kinds, and that is why it exists and not simply a prayer of forgiveness for anything and everything one is a part of. That is a nice notion and it will raise one's vibration because it is being in divine alignment to hold such thoughts, but that is not the same thing as that thought going out and healing anything and everything the person has been involved with across time. It is simply a declaration you are prepared to give up your control and dependence and ownership of your misery and move on. In the context of the LHP, most of the things that will be worked on, adjusted, rearranged, recalibrated, removed, or repaired through healing, or restored when diminished or absent, are connected to multiple events for which awareness by the client is impossible. And it is the workings of the Law of Karma they struggle with much of the time, bringing a negative energy to them without a name or face. There may be a recent or present life event they can recall taking place that aligns with their overall mood state and vulnerabilities, but that will be the tip of an iceberg and most of the prior similar events that are in actuality piling on and worsening things will be beyond the awareness, not only of the conscious self but the deep subconscious as well, scattered among countless akashic records. The latter are reviewable by the deep subconscious but it does not have the intellectual ability to start a campaign for healing to ferret out like events, make the connecting threads, link things together, and construct a plan of action to heal them effectively. This is why it is divine work, truly, to effect a deep healing transformation of anyone. So the impulse to turn to forgiveness is inner wisdom on display that one needs to be loving towards the self as well as to others who have wronged you, as that is a direct path to divine alignment if it can be brought about with the full energy of the being without reservation, exceptions, and hidden pockets of discord still present. No one is perfect, and that is a measure of the impossibility of even fixing it all, within a short length of time at least, or even over a lifetime. The key is to make a start. This is the kind of program the divine can mount on someone's behalf, given a meaningful, well-intentioned, series of requests about what to go after and how to go after it. That is built into the many steps and their description within the Lightworker Healing Protocol and why it can be so very effective in doing many things human beings could never do on their own.