DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerA student asks: “Unable to sustain myself, I have applied for teaching jobs, the one thing for which I have qualifications, or so I thought as well as applying to new schools. I have applied for jobs at schools where I have previously taught, even been head of the department, only to not be granted so much as an interview. A part of me says, “well, I guess you’re meant to stay on this healing path.” The other part, or perhaps the same part, asks, “well then, show me how to make it work, how to earn enough to thrive?” No amount of prayers seem to be yielding any fruit. Can you please ask Source/Creator why this is so? Is Source/Creator able to dissolve the karmic debt, any hindering contract that continues to keep me disconnected from hearing/seeing Source/Creator’s responses?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
We understand the dilemma quite clearly and this is the central problem, that your doubts and uncertainty constitute a barrier to communication. We are giving you clues. We are giving you hints. We are giving you encouragement up to a point, but if you yourself are uncertain, it is as though sometimes your ears are open and sometimes they are closed and cannot hear us, so it is no wonder you feel cut off. It is like you are wrapping yourself in a layer of insulation and then wonder why things are so silent. This is not a criticism, it is simply a metaphor attempting to answer your earnest question here. The question is more fundamental that needs to be addressed. You cannot be helped on a path you have not yet fully chosen. You have wanted things to work but you have entertained doubts all the way along about doability, whether it is possible, whether the process itself is capable of the wonderous things claimed for it, all of which have kept you teetering on the edge. We cannot choose your path for you. There are things you must do to take action. It is then we can reinforce through guidance and encouragement. When you are undecided, in a sense, we must fall silent to see which way the winds will blow. We cannot change the rules to make an exception for you when everyone else is in charge of their lives and must make their way on their own largely. It is once you have decided your destiny and take an active step to move towards it that we can chime in and help to facilitate what is underway, either through encouragement or even arranging more concrete help indirectly by influencing events and people around you. What is going on is kind of a dance, forward and back, where there is enthusiasm for a time—but without feedback, the doubts creep in and then you hesitate and step back again and that takes the energy away once more and then things come to a halt and seem to be a confirmation that your focus may be ill-advised and not fruitful to pursue and that further stalls progress. We cannot do it for you. We cannot lay out a step-by-step series of instructions because we cannot lead you on your path. We can only show you it is there and this has happened and the encouragement and enthusiasm with which you embraced the opportunity to receive training from your channel was, in fact, divine inspiration and encouragement coming from us personally. When that excitement died away in returning to the realities of making a living and not being certain you could apply the training effectively, and doubts grew about the lack of feedback and beginning to question whether this was really doable for you, we could not countermand that. You, in effect, silenced us and then were on your own and, in that state of mind, not able to be your own cheerleader, so to speak. So again, this is not criticism, it is simply a way of describing the kind of dynamic that can keep things on hold and lead to discouragement. There needs to be a renewed commitment and a firm decision and then action taken to move forward in a specific, concrete way to create a new opportunity if this is what you truly choose to do. If you decide on a path, you will be supported regardless of what it might be. We can encourage you in any career you choose because there will be things you can do to be of value to others. Anything of a positive, helpful makeup has worth and deserves divine encouragement. Most people are working on things that are viewed as useful and desirable but have minimal long-term value, but life is filled with many such seeming opportunities and one can get by nicely in terms of earning income satisfying such needs. It is not for us to judge whether a life spent doing that is truly worthwhile. We would say any life that is lived to its completion is one of value because there will still be many things learned, and important and valid life experience will be generated. The value to you personally is to be engaged in life as a physical human at this point in time. Your first obligation is to your soul and its growth so all learning contributes to that goal, and whether it is gained through advancing the cause of the divine or marking time is a secondary consideration. You have been given a clear perspective from your channel about the value of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and the nature of the great risks to human survival posed by the interlopers and that the Protocol, along with prayer work, are the best answers in dealing with the threat. With most humans unavailable to participate because of mind subjugation, the task falls to those still awake. You are among them but it is up to you to chart your course and engage with this issue, or not, and in what way and to what extent, whether as a full-time or part-time endeavor. You will not be judged but your destiny will be influenced by the choices you make, that is the reality of existence.